My cousin is the tour guide

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So I have Lila in this story and I hope y'all don't hate me for what happens. I promise she will be in a different one and she won't be like she is in this one. Also there will be maybe 4-5 parts maybe more maybe less but that will depend on if I feel like it or not lol. Hope you enjoy.

(Peter's POV)
"Hey dude. Did you hear about the field trip?" Ned said excitedly as he walked up beside me.
"No. What field trip?" I asked as we walk to our last class, chemistry, together "Apparently the people who made an A on the chemistry test Friday get to go on a surprise 3 day field trip." Ned said getting more and more excited.
"Huh. I wonder where it'll be" I said as we walked into class. We sat in our regular seats and the bell rang.

*bob the time skip is here to take you on a magnificent journey to 1 1/2 hours later*

I was almost asleep, considering I already knew all of this, courtesy of dad ,and I was up patrolling till 3 in the morning, when Mr.Jonas started talking excitedly. Probably about the field trip.
"So, as you guys probably know by now there will be a surprise field trip on Thursday. It is a three day overnight trip and I can promise that you will enjoy it. As for who gets to go, everyone  in this class made an A on the test so, you all get to go! Now, when the bell rings be sure to grab a permission slip." He said as the class starts bouncing in their seats. When the bell rings everyone jumped out of their seats and ran to get their permission slip. All except Ned, MJ, and I. As soon as I got my slip I ran out the door saying bye to MJ and Ned. I got in the car and Happy drove me home.
"Thanks Happy" I said as I jumped out the car and ran inside. I got in the elevator and went up to the penthouse.
"Hey dad" I said as I walked into the kitchen.
"Hey kid. How was school?" He asked me as I got an apple out of the fridge.
"Good. I have a field trip on Thursday. It's a three day sleepover. I'm going to use dummy to sign the form in May's signature." I said
"Ok. By the way Lila is coming Friday." I froze
"Really?" I asked hoping he didn't hear how upset I sounded
"Yea. She'll be here till Wednesday."
Ugh. Great. Lila and I do love each other we just never can get along. Like, that's a once in a full moon thing. It'd be a miracle for us to get along.
"Yay." I sad sarcastically
"Bye" I said as I tried to run off, but as usual, dad stopped me
"Pete! Promise me you will try and get along with Lila this weekend. It's supposed to be a nice family week." Dad said looking at me.
"Fine. I'll try. Bye"
"Thanks Pete. Bye love you. Be back for dinner in one hour!" He said as I got in the elevator.
"Ok love you to!" I screamed as the doors closed.
I got the permission slip sign and back in my bag. After a while of tinkering with my web fluid in my lab I went up for dinner. Once I finished dinner I went on patrol. Nothing really happened. I stopped a bank robbery and helped an old lady get home but, that's it. Since it was a slow night I decided to head back early and get to sleep. I got in bed at around 1 in the morning and fell asleep.

*Sally the time skip will take you on a magnificent journey to Thursday.*

I was really excited as I walked into school Thursday morning. I walked to my chemistry class and saw that Liz was also going on the trip. She came back a couple weeks ago. We are actually good friends now. I don't like her how I used to. I'm with MJ now and I couldn't be happier. Anyway, we checked in and got on the bus. I sat next the MJ and Ned sat next to Liz.
As I was walking to the back of the bus I saw that Flash was also going on the trip. Great. MJ was reading while Ned, Liz and I were talking about where the field trip was going to be. Mr. Jonas came on the bus after 5 minutes and we started off.
"Ok class, I'm sure that you are all very excited about the trip. Now, I'm about to tell you where we are going so please try not to make to much noise because it can distract the driver. We are going to... Avengers tower!" He screamed as everyone went nuts. He calmed everyone down and started talking again.  "As you all know it is a 3 day trip and we will have a tour of the tower along with a meet and great with the avengers. We will also be staying in the penthouse with the avengers overnight!" Mr. Jonas said, clearly very excited. The bus cheered while my face paled. I tried to look excited though because Liz still didn't know I'm Spiderman because then she'll blame me for her dad being locked up. And she also doesn't know I was adopted by Tony yet.
"Dude. This is awesome!" Ned said to me and Liz
"Yea. Just great!" I said trying to sound excited.
It took us about 20 minutes to get there. We got off the bus and walked in. Mr. Jonas signed us in and we waited for our tour guide. Some girl walked over to us with a box in her hand. We all stood up everyone pushing me to the front. I really hope it isn't someone I know. She looked up at us and smiled and I recognized her immediately and she saw me.
"Peter?" She said as she looked at me.
"What are you doing here?" She asked me. It was Lila.
"What do you mean what am I doing here. What are you doing here?" I asked her clearly annoyed.
"I'm the tour guide." She said with the same amount of annoyance in her voice.
"I'm sorry your the what?" I almost screamed at her. I can't believe this. She's the tour guide?!!!

That wraps up part 1. I will post part 2 tomorrow. Anyway. I hope you enjoyed. Bye

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