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So this takes place after Civil war. The avengers are back together but Steve and Sam hate Peter and he doesn't know why. They are always pranking him in dangerous ways that could hurt him and nobody knows it's them except Peter and MJ. MJ found out and Peter begged her not to tell Pepper so she didn't. Now to the story.

(Peters POV)
"So it would be X=67.098?"
MJ wrote the answer on her paper and put her homework away. I have been helping her with our calculus homework for the past 20 minutes. Now we can finally relax.
"I'll be right back." She said getting off the bed and walking towards the bathroom. My spidey senses started tingling. "Wait don't-" She opened the door before I could finish and an arrow rushes straight passed her. It grazed her shoulder and cut her. It was a little deep but not enough to need stitches, but close. I jumped off my bed and ran over to her.
"Oh my god MJ are you ok?" I asked as I looked at her shoulder.
"Yea. I'm fine. It's just a cut. I'll go up to Bruce and get it wrapped. You deal with whoever tried to prank you with an arrow before I go get Pepper and we deal with them." She said as she walked out of the room. I know exactly who set that prank up. The only people who hate me in this tower. Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson. I walked into the theatre room where FRIDAY said they were.
"What the hell is wrong with you!" I screamed at them.
"Guess the prank went well." Sam said as he smirked at me and looked at Steve. Steve smirked back.
"No it didn't because guess who that prank went off on. MJ. Yea that's right. She in the med bay now so Bruce can wrap her arm because your stupid prank resulted in her almost having to get stitches in her arm. You better be happy that the arrow only cut her arm. If anything worse would have happened y'all would be dead right now!" I screamed at them as loud as I could without messing up my senses.
"Hey calm down. It's no big deal. She's not seriously injured." Sam said in a duh tone.
"No she's not. But she is injured. Which means that she's hurt. I don't like it when she's hurt. And I definitely don't like it when it my fault. So you to need to stop playing around before someone gets seriously injured. What happens if one day Pepper decides to walk into my room to get something and one of your dangerous pranks goes off on her huh? What happens then?" I asked.
"Well. We didn't think of that"
"You're not think at all!" I screamed
"Whats going on?" Clint asked as he walked in.
"They hurt MJ trying to prank me by having an arrow shoot out when I open my bathroom door. But instead of it hitting me it grazed MJ's arm. They better be glad it didn't seriously hurt her."
"I'm sorry what?" Clint asked looking at them mad.
"You guys tried to kill him?"
"We didn't try to kill him. It was just a prank he would've been healed in like a day." Steve said making it sound obvious.
"Ok. A prank is supposed to be fun and harmless. When I pull prank I don't hurt people" I looked at him with a look that said 'really'
"Ok maybe I do hurt people but, that's not the point. Besides, I don't do it on purpose and I would never do anything to purposely hurt anyone. Especially Peter. What's wrong with you guys!" Clint screamed. It was louder then normal so I covered my ear and winced. I felt a sensory overload coming on.
"I'm sorry Peter. I didn't mean to scream that loud." Clint said.
"It's fine Clint but, I need to go somewhere quiet." I said about to walk out when Sam screamed really loudly. I screamed and fell down clutching my ears. I could hear Steve and Sam laughing. I could hear Tony, Pepper and MJ talking while walking this way. I could hear the elevator ding on the 20th floor when we're on the 100th. I could smell the chemicals being used in the labs on floor 55. I heard the door open and looked up. I saw a very angry Pepper, Tony, and MJ walk in. Their expressions softened when they saw me on the floor. MJ ran up to me with my earphones. I heard her ask Friday to din the lights. She pulled me into her chest and hugged me while playing with my hair. After about 5 minutes I calmed down.
"Thanks guys." I said looking at Clint, Pepper, Tony and MJ.
"No problem kid. I'm going to yell at them now so keep the earphones in so it sounds like I'm just talking and not yelling." Tony said as he got up. I stayed down on the floor and wrapped my arm around MJ's waist and whispered I love you to her. She turned to me and said it back before she laid her head on my shoulder. Clint looked at us about to burst but, he knew not to interrupt Tony when screaming so he mouthed to me 'I knew it!' He started jumping up and down with joy. I laughed and so did MJ. I could here Tony and Pepper screaming at them but I didn't pay attention to what they were saying. The only thing I understood was " you are no longer welcome in Stark tower. Now get out of our sight before we send Nat on you." After that they ran out of the room. I sent a grateful smile to Tony, Pepper and Clint. They smiled back and started talking to each other. We never saw Steve or Sam again and everyone started wondering where Captain America and the Falcon went. We held a press conference saying that they died. The world didn't need to know the truth. They wouldn't be able to handle it. But, from then on, Peter was finally happy at the tower and not always having to look over his should. Life was great for Peter Parker.

Ok. I just wanna day thank you for 1k reads! I can't believe I have so many people reading this book and I'm so thankful for everyone supporting me through this. Especially gangbois . She has helped me through every one shot and helped me come up with ideas. She has been the most supportive friend I have so thank you! She is writing the next one shot in this book but, I don't know when it will be published. It might be today but, I'm not sure so... until next time. Bye.

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