Chapter 10: Twenty Years Old

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I am now twenty years old and I'm now going to apply in a school to become a teacher. Michael right now is still studying medicine and he's actually doing fine. He is now under training and I heard feedback from his professors telling me that he's a good guy and smart as well. One professor told me that "you are Michael's boyfriend right? Sooner or later he'll be a good husband for you" so I remember saying thank you to that professor. I now went to that school for applying myself in working in that school. After an hour of being interviewed by the Principal, I got accepted and told me to teach in High School next year. I am now finally a teacher and ready to work.

I received a call from my mom and the first thing I heard from her is "I'M PREGNANT" and I said "congratulations!" With no expressions and she asked "help me think of a name" then I asked "boy or girl?" Then she replied "I don't know yet" then I hung up the phone.

I am now deciding on what kind of teacher I'll be, either be strict/motherly but then Michael knocked on my door and said "CONGRATULATION! Ms.Michele" with a smile and said "thank you mister Michael" and asked why is he here. He replied "well we're going to celebrate because you're now a teacher".

I said "thank you, I'll be back in one minute". I quickly went to my wardrobe and picked a dress. I opened my door and Michael gave me a bouquet and I said "awwww, these are so beautiful I'm so happy" so I kissed him.

We then went to the restaurant and right outside I saw someone who's pretty familiar but I don't really care. We then now got directed to our table and that familiar person is my MOM! I got shocked and I'm not really sure what will be her reaction if she sees my boyfriend on front of me. Michael began talking about romantic stuff and smiled a lot. After a while I see lots of people staring at Michael because of his activeness and he then stood up and kneel on front of me saying "will you marry me?" I said yes but my mom found out and ruined the moment. My mom said "you've been ignoring every phone call and keep conversations short, so this is what you've been doing selfish woman!" She hit me with a bottle on the head and faint. Both her and his new boyfriend brought me to their house and woke up beside mom. Mom said "you've been really selfish and there well be some changes and some new things that'll happen to that boyfriend of yours". After for a while, I felt really bad and called Michael. When Michael picked up the phone I said "Michael, I need to say something to you" then he said "oh thank goodness you're alright" then I asked "where are you" then he replied "I just went out of the police station because I got accused but thank God there was one witness" I told him "lets....break.....(sob).....up" then I said "I don't want you to be in trouble again because of my mom so goodbye" Before hanging up, Michael wanted to say something but I ended the conversation. It really hurts to let go of this relationship of mine.

- Charlizard64

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