Chapter 11: After Nine Months

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Its been nine months since I've last seen Michael and I was suppose to get married but thanks to mom, she ruined it and now I have to be imprisoned by her. My mom now has a new baby boy and they named it Alex. My mom and my new dad restricted me from doing anything in the house so everyday, its pretty boring in this house. I wanted to eat a peanut butter sandwich but mom stopped me and said "everything here is for Alex not for you so don't be selfish" I got out of her arm and said "fine" Next month is my first day of me being a teacher and I can't wait because I don't have to be in this house everyday but Michael flashed in my mind, I need someone to talk to. I felt like I should talk to my dad, the old one, I haven't seen him for about years so I opened my laptop and go to Skype. I see that dad's online so I called him. My dad picked it up and said "hello Michele, how are you honey" I realized that he's not that angry person from before so I told him "dad, mom did something terrible and I want to meet you" then dad went away for a while and went back then said "I'm sorry but I have no time and my new wife doesn't want you to be here so goodbye" I said wait but he hung up the phone and right now I coudn't talk to anyone. I feel like I should at least talk to Michael in the phone. I called him but he didn't picked it up the first then second and third. I feel terrible that he's pretty much sad because I told him that we should break up. I felt terrible so I went to bed. I'm not sure what to do now.

After that day, I woke up and mom was in my bedroom and said "what are you doing, relaxing? Ho ho, you are pretty lazy, clean up Alex's room" and I stood up and asked "where's the stupid cleaning materials?" With some anger I have. Then she said "don't raise your voice at me little girl" then I replied "ok, you're not my mom" then she paused and I went out of my bedroom then I heard a punch from the wall and I went to find the cleaning materials. I found it and saw my new dad and I passed by him. He said "good morning" with a serious face and he asked "what are you going to do" then I replied "I'm going to clean your son's bedroom" then he said "you call Alex your little brother now" then I said "you are not even my dad" then again he paused like mom did a while a go.

After hours of cleaning that stupid room of Alex, I am so tired yet so hungry then I went up to the kitchen without realizing my mom's there. She asked "what are you doing, your suppose to clean the whole house" I then replied "alright then" and mom grabbed a knife and slashed me at the back. I fell down but I quickly stood up and went out for the house. Mom called his new husband and shouted "get to the car hun, we have some chasing to do!" So I went out and ran as fast as I can. I ran and ran until theres a car behind me so I hid behind the tree and saw the car go through and I saw mom and the new husband. I sighed loudly and now I can go somewhere else. I was thinking to where I was going but good thing I didn't surrender the key to the land owner of my apartment. I know where to go now.

- Charlizard64

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