Chapter 16: Second Semester

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I finally knew a lot of things from my students. They all have good grades from my class and learns a lot and now half of the class really wants to take the Psychology Course. I knew everyone except from one. She's doing pretty bad in my subject but she's doing pretty well in others.

I went near her and offered her an extra encounter. She replied without energy in her yes but she'll go. After class, I told her to meet me near the faculty work room but she went with me instead.

I told her to answer some questions and I know her mistakes while writing and after answering, I went near her and told her mistakes. He responses to me are not pretty energetic. After telling her mistakes and redoing some answers it seems that she improved. I then asked her things to get to know her but she doesn't reply.

I asked her whats her favorite food, no answer. Asked her about music, no response until I asked about family. Her facial expression changed then I said "oh, I'm sorry I won't ask anymore" then she said "I am an only child and I'm an only child" then I said "go on" so she then continued saying "my parents are divorced, mom is scary, my dad's not, they're separated and living with that BITCH!" I realized that she's living with her mom and had a lot of problems with her mom". She continued "I don't want to cry so that to show mom I'm not a coward" She continued but I stopped her by hugging her.
I said "its ok to cry now, my parents are like that as well, you are not alone and I'm always here for you". She hugged me and cried a lot and I saw Lizabeth from a far.

She stopped and did a thumbs up and smiled and went back to the faculty. I reflected on what she said about her life. After her crying a lot, she then smiled a t me and said her thanks and her goodbye. I smiled and gladly she changed.

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