Chapter 17: Final Showdown

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After those moments with my student, I saw Michael waiting for me to my exit gate on school. I got surprised he's here so I went to him and kissed him. We hold hands and walked going to the apartment.

He told me "lets rest somewhere". We went to the garden of flowers where we had a picnic together. There was a bench and sat down, we were still sitting holding hands and by the time we sat, he put his head on my shoulder and slept. I then said "you are really tired from your shift". I let go of his hand and hugged me him and I said "I will always be with you".

I slept with him until it was night time. I was dreaming of my relationship with him and in that dream, I have a son and named him "Miguel". While I was dreaming, I said something while sleeping "Miguel, daddy is here!" Then Michael woke me up saying "I'M HOME!!!" Then I fully woke up and Michael hugged me. It feels like Michael woke up ahead of me. We then stood up and started going back to the apartment.

I told him "its pretty sweet choosing that place to sleep for both of us". Then he said "oh thanks, I chose that so that you can remember all the happy moments we did from the past months". I hugged him and said "I'm so happy" then he hugged me. While we were hugging, we were in the streets and Michael heard a car going really fast. When the car was charging to us, he pushed me and the car bumped Michael. I saw him got bumped and I got shocked in what happened.

I saw the person who went out of the car and it was my mom carrying a handgun. I got really scared of what she's been holding. She pointed the gun at me and said "you've been disobeying me and where were you when we needed you". She was about to pull the trigger and I then shouted "YOU PIECE OF SHIT, DAD REALLY NEEDED YOU TO STOP SO YOU'RE THE ONE BEING SELFISH". She stopped pulling the trigger so I went near her and while going near her, I said "you almost killed me, and now you want to kill me, you've been a bad mother when I got into my 20's and all your focusing is your new life not me" She pulled the trigger but the bullet went passed me and I punched her and she let go of the gun. I got the gun and mom got down on the ground.

I pointed the gun at her and I said "in the end, I'm not going to kill you because you're my mother and I still love you" I threw the gun to the river beside us and hugged her. She pushed me back and said "STAY AWAY!" She went back to her car and went away. I rushed calling 911 to help Michael. Hope he is still alive. Hope so....

- Charlizard64

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