Chapter 18

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I finally arrived to the hospital with Michael. Hope he's not dead or else I'll kill myself. After the doctor's surgical procedure, I was able to get in the room. I went in and grabbed a chair and sat beside Michael's bed. I slept with him with my hand laid on Michael's hand. I hope he'll wake up.

The next day, I woke up and started going to work. I am still pretty sad and worried what'll happen to Michael. I couldn't put him out of my kind, he's my life, he's my love.

I went to the faculty work room and saw Lizabeth. Lizabeth said hi to me but I said hi to her with no feeling and I still have that worried face of mine. Lizabeth said "hmmmm, whats wrong?" I told myself that she's a good friend to comfort with but still thought of Michael.

Tears were dropping from my eyes and Lizabeth told me "ah I see" so she hugged me and said "its alright, you'll get it over with". I cried and cried a lot. She told me "lets talk later, right now we have to do our work" I smile to her and she said "OK! Lets be great teacher today!" She wiped my tears and we went of to the classroom.

I was still thinking about Michael and while my students are watching an educational video about history, I didn't do anything but to think. Class was over and so was the video. I said my goodbye and my student who had trouble with my subject asked "whats wrong" and I told her my problem. She then told me "hope he's alright, I'll give it my all and I'll pray for him". I was so proud of her so I smiled at her and she smiled back.

It was raining and I was in the faculty work room. I saw Lizabeth and I began the chat with her. She first asked "whats wrong?" And I said "My boyfriend was in a critical accident" then she told me "OH MY GOD! I'm so sorry to hear that" then I said "I want him to wake up" then she said "you really are in love with him".

Lizabeth wanted to say something and there was a phone call from my phone. I answered it and it was the doctor from yesterday and said "be right here" then hung up then phone. I stood up and said to Lizabeth "I have to go to the hospital" then she said "I'll go too but you go first" then I said "thanks, see you there". I packed all my stuff in my bag and ran off.

I quickly ran and ran as fast as my legs can. It was raining so hard but no time buying an umbrella so I went of through the rain.

I ran and ran until I arrived to the hospital. I was pretty exhausted but there's no time for resting, I must meet him. I ran to the elevator and went to where Michael was in. By the time the elevator arrived to the floor where Michael's room is, I ran immediately and opened the door of Michael. I stopped and saw Michael seeing the window and he turned his head to me and said "hi" with a warm smile.

I went close to him and touched his face and said "this is not my imagination, you're back" and I hugged him. I cried a lot and a lot and said "welcome back". I face him and we both kiss. Lizabeth arrived and smiled. She talked to herself and said "what a happy couple, a loving girl who's selfless to a boy".

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