Chapter 17: How to Conquer Fear (Malec)

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A/N: For all the Warrior Cats fans, who is in the picture above?

*****Goldenclaw's POV*****

Goldenclaw narrowly dodges a swipe to the ear, his head jerking back just in the nick of time. Leaf fall is set in motion now so even the Sandy Hollow is covered in piles of leaves. He and Violetpaw had moved them before they'd starting training.

The companions they'd brought along were sitting off to the side. Comfreyleaf's kits are underneath one of the beech trees in the hollow, watching with rapt attention as the mentor and apprentice trained.

Sandkit, Cloudkit and Tumblekit were not much in the way of helpful back when they were clearing out piles of brittle leaves. Sandkit had been too busy pouncing on the dead foliage, and if not for her wriggling body he might have mistaken her for a leaf. Tumblekit and Cloudkit are much easier to find, though he supposes that will change for the white tom kit especially when leaf bare comes to blanket the forest floor in snow.

"Go Goldenclaw!" Cloudkit and Sandkit's squeaky voices chorused.

"Go Violetpaw!" Tumblekit cheers.

Goldenclaw shoots a playful look at his apprentice. "Looks like they like me more." He says with a grin.

"That's because you let them go out of camp. You spoil them." Violetpaw points out with a huff.

The tortoiseshell she-cat is practicing quick jab moves today per her mentor's request. Goldenclaw is impressed by how fast the apprentice is learning, her aptitude for warrior skills not dissimilar to a certain she-cat he likes. No no no it should be liked.

Goldenclaw could not bring himself to say he doesn't like Sparkpaw. Saying such an untruth would only serve to twist his stomach in knots and make his heartache. He had thought that with distance from the fiery she-cat he would be capable to forget her for the time being, but he was wrong.

The heart really does grow fonder in abstinence.

So much had been going on lately, and yet the golden tabby still found himself yearning for Sparkpaw. If he wasn't thinking of her during the day then he was dreaming of her in the night. This should be disconcerting, but Goldenclaw just ends up finding it comforting.

He misses Sparkpaw just as he misses Arrowheart, though at least the runs connecting him to his adoptive brother allowed him to know they're alright. Arrowheart wouldn't let anything happen to Sparkpaw, he'd let himself get hurt before that happened. He had been feeling a bit
off this afternoon however, as though some part of him was upset for no apparent reason.

It must be from our bond, though I don't know if it's because Arrowheart is grumpy or not feeling well. Navigating the parabatai bond is an interesting debacle, like two cats trying to do charades at the same time in a weird game.

Feelings and emotions would come and go as they pleased in what felt like a wild gust of wind. Goldenclaw suspects that this emotional maelstrom is even worse for Arrowheart, as the golden warrior often displays his emotions more openly. Luckily, his brother doesn't mind, instead taking it in stride.

But that's a part of what being parabatai is all about.

Goldenclaw and Arrowheart are already so in sync with each other, so he suspects it's only going to be a matter of time before they grow accustomed to it. With Arrowheart out on a quest however, that accustoming has been put on hold until the black tom returns.

Hopefully that's soon, there is so much I have to tell him. Who knows how Arrowheart will react to the news of Frostfang attacking the Silent Brothers, or Vultureclaw's squandering of the approachability of Blossomstar in camp. And what about my powers? How will he feel about me making such huge leaps?

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