Chapter 33: Its Time to Take Back Sunning Rocks

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***Arrowheart's POV***

The attack was set to happen at dawn, when the glittering dew drops still cling to the withering grass. Arrowheart had been filled with anticipation since the moment he woke up. It had been only thanks to Goldenclaw and Nightrose's persistence that he had managed to scarf down a scrawny vole before heading out to the sun-baked rocks. The clouds blotted out most of the sky. The few bits of life that came through were a mix of lilac-rose.

His paws quiver now as he crouches down behind a particularly tall boulder. Blossomstar had selected three small groups of warriors for the ambush. She was leading one, the others were being led Vultureclaw and Scratchnose respectively. Arrowheart stood beside his former mentor surrounded by Petalfall and Junipernose. Somewhere back towards the forest, Patchfur was well-hidden with Dawnmist. His boyfriend was to serve as the Medicine Cat's assistance as well as protection in case the need arose.

Featherflight and Violetpaw remained behind in camp along with a good chunk of warriors as well as all the apprentices meant to stay behind to protect the elders and queens. Arrowheart knew both Goldenclaw and Nightrose were upset to be left behind, as was Sparkpaw too. But they're all safe and that's all I care about right now. He would deal with their complaints later.

"Are you ready for this?" Arrowheart swings his head to find Blossomstar staring at him expectantly. The leader had already laid out all the battle plans earlier. All that was left was for a MagicClan patrol to appear so they could properly be throttled.

Sunningrocks will soon be ours!

"Yes. I'm ready."

It was true. Arrowheart had been envisioning his first real battle -because no, fighting that dog and fighting against that rogue did not count- ever since he was a small kitten. He wasn't the bloodthirsty type by any means, but the idea of bringing glory to his clan through any good means was important to him.

That and Goldenclaw needed someone to keep him from getting his ears clawed off.

"I'm glad to see you're not too wound up." Petalfall says with an approving nod. "Most young cats you're age would be itching for a fight."

"Hmm, I suppose it helps that he's fought before this." Junipernose says in acknowledgement of Arrowheart's previous battles. "Helps take the edge off surely."

"Whatever the case may be. Make sure you stick close to me, alright? You're the youngest warrior here and that makes you less seasoned than the rest. You'll be a target." Blossomstar murmurs calmly. Arrowheart can see a swirl of emotion in those amber eyes, but he can't discern what it means.

He does not get the chance to say anything in reply as the sound of crushed ferns catches their attention. Being woodland hunters, HunterClan cats knew how to make their paw steps light as to not alert their prey, or in this case enemies to their presence. MagicClan had finally decided to come.

It was with lumbering paws that these fish sniffers stalked into view. Stoneleap was at the head of the group, with Sandyfur, Stempaw, Heavyfoot, Hollowpaw and Breezefur following right after him. Arrowheart notes the patrol's noticeable size with slight surprise. From what he knows of MagicClan from Patchfur, the Clan is a decent bit smaller than HunterClan in terms of warriors. So it's a wonder that Weaselfur sent out a big patrol. Perhaps he's worried about this land being taken from them...rightfully so, I suppose.

"Hey Stoneleap, does something feel off to you?" One of the cats -Sandyfur- asks, her white paws sinking into sand the same color as her pelt.

The gray tabby shrugs. "No. I don't know what you mean." It was clear Stoneleap had sensed nothing wrong. Arrowheart looks at Blossomstar, who watches them with narrowed eyes waiting for the right moment to strike.

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