unsinkable [2]

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jennie sipped on the tea while her fiancé sat beside her.

"my love, how is your room? you'll be staying there until we arrive to new york, the city we dream of living in", gustav smiled at jennie, while the latter kept her composure.

"gustav, you don't even want to live in new york if i didn't say so", she rolled her eyes secretly as she sipped on her tea. "uhm, gus, could you please leave me for a while, i just want to be alone", jennie looked at gustav.

gustav is a handsome guy. his hair is perfectly brushed up but some strand of it falls on his face, making him more attractive. he has a mesmerizing pair of crystal blue eyes and a sharp edged jaw. anyone would fall for her as soon as he speaks with his deep voice.

but he is just not jennie's type. she can't fall in-love with him no matter what she does.

"jennie, we're having a breakfast. do you really want to make me leave so you can stay on your own? you know i wouldn't like that", gustav looked back at jennie sharply. his knuckles curled up and formed a full fist as it lay on the table.

"no. no. that's not what i meant. i just you know- wander around after eating", jennie said defensively.

gustav closed his eyes and shook his head slowly. he then got up and suddenly slammed his fists on the table, causing jennie to shudder.

"okay, then. you want that?", gustav held jennie face, his hand under her chin and to her cheeks. "then, do what you want", he then aggressively took off his hand and made his way out of the place.

jennie looked to where he marched out.

jennie felt the cold breeze of the night. right now, she is in the bow of the ship. her hands touched the railing of the ship which is cold as ice.

she wants this to end. maybe, she just want to end her life and her sufferings.

to be honest, she doesn't want to be married to gustav. she wants to live on her own . she wants to fill in that missing piece of her heart that she can't feel.

she stepped out of her majestic heels. she felt the cold railing as she stepped on those with her feet.

"i don't want to live this life anymore", a tear fell down her cheek sa she prepared herself to jump to the water.

"oh, no. you're not gonna do that", a deep voice spoke behind jennie.

jennie slowly looked behind her. a glimpse of a person with a long, blonde hair was seen by her.

"don't intervene.", jennie replied. still facing the ocean and turned away from the person.

jennie heard approaching footsteps behind her. "i said, don't intervene", she took off her hands from the railing and faced it behind her, signalling anybody to stop. but because of this action of hers, she fell out of her balance and her feet slipped into the cold railing of the ship.

the person behind her was very quick to give rescue to jennie. the hands of the mysterious person circled to jennie's body. jennie, on the other hand, closed her eyes as she prepare herself to fall but a pair of brown doe eyes meet her vision.

"i told you to stop", jennie felt safe for the first time. the eyes of the person, the woman in front of her felt very assuring.

"what is the meaning of this?", jennie knew whom that voice comes from. gustav.

the woman was startled as she picked up herself and stood still. "uhm, ah, i was j-just helping her. yeah, i was helping her", the woman stuttered but she managed to say those words.

"with what?", he looked at jennie. "with what, jennie?", he raised his eyebrow.

"she was, she was helping me-", jennie also stuttered.

"she almost fell, and i was just passing by when i saw her slipped, so i ran, and yeah, kind of caught her", the woman lied. he looked like a guy who shouldn't be trusted for her.

"yeah, yeah, that's what happened", jennie agreed with what the woman had said.

gustav's face had soften. he then took off his coat and walked towards jennie to put it on her.

"i'm worried. go back to you room, it's okay", he then signalled his men to accompany jennie to her room.

jennie looked on the woman. their eyes met again, and jennie smiled.

the woman was left with gustav and some of his men. his face turned into a serious one again.

"what really happened? i know you're lying from that look on your face", gustav looked at the woman intently.

"sir, what i said is what had happened. maybe i should go now", the woman looked away from gustav.

"hey, miss. we are not yet done. what's your name?", gustav asked as the woman passed behind him. the woman stopped and turned to gustav, who's reaching for his pockets.

"manoban. lisa manoban, sir", as the woman announced her name, a bind of bills were offered to her by a smiling gustav.

"i don't need that", lisa's stare became serious as she tapped on gustav's hand, causing some of the paper bills to fall out.

"if you really insist", gustav shrugged his shoulder. "but i want to pay you respect to what you did to my fianceé, please join us in our dinner on the first-class deck tomorrow night", gustav smirked as he emphasized jennie as his fianceé.

"then, i look forward to do that, sir", lisa turned her heels and walked away from gustav and his men.

gustav grimaced. "she has the guts", he then smirked. one of his men walked to him.

"sir, do you really think that she's telling the truth?", the man asked. he seemed suspicious of lisa's motives.

"why would i? i'm not stupid. keep this, vagrant", he handed the bind of paper bills to the man.

"i don't think it's an accident. lady jennie left her shoes behind", the man said.

gustav heard that. he smiled, because he is also thinking the same.

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