Lala(Lisa) Land

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Lisa, being an Aries, normally forgets ordeals and disputes that have happened in the past. Ironically, she couldn't get her encounter with that surprisingly good looking cashier and rude, arrogant stranger out of her head. The sharpness of his jawline and his piercing gaze reminded her of something...quite familiar. I mean, if that guy didn't have such a big ego, she would maybe, would possibly date him. That's not important right now, Lisa thinks as she scolds herself.

Rose taps Lisa on the shoulder, handing the dorm key to her. Frustrated and irked, Lisa hastily unlocks the door. Lisa instantly makes a beeline for the kitchen and drops the groceries in her hands onto the counter. Exasperated from the shenanigans that had occurred at the store, Lisa plops onto the couch and takes out her phone from her bag as she throws it aside.

Lisa lazily scrolls through Instagram while Rose sinks into the couch beside her. While grabbing her phone, Rose examines Lisa with curiosity and concern in her eyes. Shifting anxiously, Rose mentally debates with herself over whether she should confide in Lisa for advice about love- her situation, specifically. Staring at the blank screen in front of her, Rose hesitantly asks Lisa.



"What is love?"

"My goodness, if you are trying to strike up a conversation by making Twice references when I'm this exhausted-"

 "Oh, sorry! I meant to say, what is love to you?" Rose clarifies instantly, desperate to get an answer. With a desire to get advice and support, Rose waits patiently. Lisa finally lifts her head up and peers at Rose quizzically. Rose reciprocates the gesture, looking up from her phone with her neck scrunched.

 "Lisa, I need some advice. It's related to what I just asked you," Rose urges, "You see, I'm actually in-"

"Love? Sure, I'll try to help." Lisa readjusts her position, allowing her to face Rose conveniently while leaning against the back of the couch for support. Breathing in deeply, Lisa mentally prepares herself.

"I don't know what love is! I want it so badly yet I can't seem to get a hold of it, even though it might be within reach, so close I can grasp onto it with my fingers," Rose exclaims despondently, "It's hopeless though. I'm in love with an idol who's unattainable and out of reach. We've only spoken once." She sighs, her spirit sinking and spiraling downwards. Lisa, sensing her friend's heightened sensitivity, places a gentle hand on Rose's shoulder.

"Rose, I can't guarantee I'll help, but I'll answer what you asked me earlier. Love is-" Lisa hesitates, unsure whether she should respond truthfully or not. Slumping her shoulders, she declaims, "It's a complicated thing that needs to happen on its own, I guess. You can't force these things."

Rose blinks twice, surprised by the maknae's wisdom. Refusing to believe it, Rose crosses her arms and looks away. Irked by Rose's behavior, Lisa admits blatantly, "Rose, stop. If this guy is worth it, he'll recognize your beauty. Also, stop acting like that- you're acting like a child. And that's my job." Hitting Lisa's shoulder playfully, Rose heartily laughs, as she replaces her dejected, stoney expression with a cheerful grin. "Maybe it will happen," Rose remarks, specks of hope in her voice.

Lisa moves closer and pats Rose on the back as she loops her arm around Rose's shoulder in a side hug. Rose returns it as she swings her arm around Lisa's shoulder. They sit there in silence until Rose stands and helps Lisa get up, and says, "C'mon, we should rest." Rose holds Lisa's hand captive as she drags the maknae towards their rooms.

--- ----------------------------------------- ---

As I open the door to the dorms, a pouting Mark with crossed arms stands in my way in front of the doorframe. It's hard to identify whether it's irritation or frustration, so I assume it's both. I mutter, exasperated, "Mark, let me through. You're the one who wanted the ramen in the first place-"

"Um, excuse you, but you're the one who took a long time at the store," Mark retorts, "so I have to punish you for your misdeed." I stand in the doorway for an eternity until Mark finally whines, "Come on! Get in! I want my ramen!" and moves out of the way to let me through. Shrugging, I walk in and rest the groceries on the granite countertop of the kitchen's island.

Sighing deeply, I venture towards the couch and fall back into its cushions. I feel myself relax and sink into the couch until I hear a loud, clamorous yell coming from the kitchen.

"Bambam! I said I was going to punish you, so guess what! You get to do the dishes because I said so. Also, you don't get first dibs on the ramen."

"Why? I'm the one who got the ramen-"

"Aish, Bambam, don't question your hyung!" Mark snaps back instantly. A few seconds later, he mutters another set of words under his breath, "After all, you need something that'll help shed that ego of yours." I could tell he was attempting to be discreet, but in reality, it was failing, as nothing gets past my ears.

Refusing to lose, I refute Mark's claim by chucking a pillow at him, which he nimbly dodges. Instead of hitting him, the pillow flies and manages to flip in the air as it hits a mason jar. It hits it so hard the jar shatters, scattering glass pieces everywhere.

Oh hell nah. I don't need any more disturbances in my life. Normally, I would love to pummel him with reasons why he's the smaller man between us, but today? My brain is aching and my heart has gone through enough for today. So, I give in to my whiny elder's command.

Raising my arms in defeat, I walk towards the mess in the kitchen. Lowering my arms, I crouch down and begin cleaning. As tenderly pick up each shard, I spot a nimble, lean pair of legs squat down in front of me. I can tell it's Yugyeom as I hear the squeak of his Adidas Superstars. Bags of darkness large enough to fit all my Gucci hang below his eyes. 

To be fair, that's to be expected. The guy has to spend most of his day with me, and though he honestly is constantly put under extremely fortunate circumstances, I can't blame him for wanting some time alone. Some time to rest, as he's not as advanced when it comes to the art of staying up late.

Yugyeom clears his throat as I tediously pick up shards of glass.  "Bam...bam?" Yugyeom's voice calls out quietly.    I look up as he looks at the ground. The expression he's wearing is filled with some cryptic message I can't decode and strangely, it concerns me.

After a while, with concern still weighing on my mind, I stand up, Yugyeom following soon after. I walk towards the sink and begin washing the dishes. As I reach for the soap, I glance over my shoulder and notice Yugyeom hasn't moved an inch. Knowing that, something's really up.

My curiosity piquing, I ask, "What's wrong?"

I can't see it too well, but his eyes are pooling up, creating a glass lake I've never seen in his eyes before. He gulps nervously and hesitantly starts to speak.

"Bambam, I don't know how, but I think I have a crush on BlackPink's Rose."


Hi guys! Thanks again for the means so So SO much to me that you took the time to read my writing. It took me a while to write this, but I hope you enjoyed it! I bet you were surprised by the first-person perspective! It's my first time using it in a fanfiction, and I hope I didn't disappoint you guys! This chapter may have dragged on a bit, but trust me- I have surprises in store. Feel free to like and comment! <3

 Feel free to like and comment! <3

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