Coming out

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"I love you Wendy now and forever even if you don't I will." I said and made my leave.

"I'll never lie to you Wendy never." I spoke to myself.


.•*Wendy's POV*•.
I never did have these kind of feelings toward Chelia but I said that I would try because now I can see us kinda being a thing so I decided to give it a shot and, so far I'm enjoying it.

When I woke up I was in my bed and Chelia left a note saying everything that had happened last night, she taking me home, she going home etc. So I got dressed  and got ready to go to the guild.

As I was walking to go to the guild I saw Romeo looking a bit sad so I went over to him to see what was up

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As I was walking to go to the guild I saw Romeo looking a bit sad so I went over to him to see what was up.

"Are you ok Romeo? You seem sad" I asked him hoping to figure out what was up.

"No... I'm not ok, not at all." He said looking at me dead in the eye.

"W-what happened then?" I asked hoping to lift his spirits some how if I figured out what happened.

"You... totally ruined my life now, there's nothing left if I can't have you do what's even the point." That left me speechless he wanted me like how I am with Chelia wait... HOW DID HE KNOW ABOUT THAT?! 

"Look Romeo to me, you are a very good friend to me that I hate to make unhappy but, right now I really want to be happy and you can still find that happiness it just may take some time and patience and effort to really be happy. Do you understand?" I said hoping we can still be friends in the end.

He looked at like is was crazy but his expression then changed into a small little smile and he looked at me and said.

"Thank you Wendy..."

.~*Chelia's POV"

This morning I woke to find someone shaking me when I looked over to see who it was.

"SHERRY?!" I said shocked that she was her. She should be with her husbando or something.

"Geez finally you're awake. Trying to wake up is like trying to up a dragon from its sleep." She said to me jokingly.

"Well that besides the point. HOW IS MY BABY COUSIN THAT I LOVE SO MUCH DOING!?" She squishing my into a hug.

"I- c-can't b-breeeeeath." I said as she released me from the torture.

"I'm good Sherry. What brings you here?" I asked.

"So I can't just come and visit my baby cousin whenever I want, besides I haven't even seen you since the games. So that's is why I have come to you!" She said trapping me in another one of her hugs.

"U-umm S-Sherry I have something to tell you." I said preparing myself.

"What is it Chelia?" She asked being curious.

"I am ummm kinda d-dating someone." Oh god you shackled have seen Sherry's eyes just lit up and her face was mixed with happiness (almost to much) and almost crying.

"So who is the lucky little man?" Sherry asked and me getting really nervous for what I had to say next.

"It isn't a..." I muttered some of it.

"I couldn't hear the last part Chelia speak up." Sherry said to me.

"IT ISN'T BOY OKAY!!!!" I shouted for no reason.

I looked at Sherry expecting to see a horrified face but, I didn't see that all I did see was a sweet and sympathetic smile and a little nod come from Sherry.

"And that's 100% okay Chelia, cause love is love. So who the lucky lady then?" She asked now wiggling her eyebrows.

"Stop making so weird! Anyway it's W-Wendy M-Marvell." I said and the look on her face was like Mira's almost.

"WOOHOO!!! MIRA OWES ME 10,000 JEWEL!!!!!" When she said that I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"First of all really immature and second why bet that much and a ship?" I laughed while I said that.

"Well Mira was 100% sure that Rowen would happen and at the games I told her that Chendy would happen so she betted me on it and she picked the price." She said while having a look of victory on her face.

"What did you think that Wendy and I would de a thing anyway?" I asked a bit confused.

"*sigh* Chelia I'm a married woman and know a thing or two about love and it was almost painfully obvious that you liked Wendy so that's why I was so sure, Ann I knew that you would eventually tell Wendy how you felt." She said to me while picking out and outfit for me to wear.

"Where are we going?" I asked since she was picking out a pretty dress for me."

"Well all the guilds decided to get together and have a party tonight and it said Semi-Fancy, so like ball gown but, a pretty dress." Said while finding the perfect one it was yellow and orange with a light orange ribbon wrapped around the waist, and accompanying the orange was some pink accents.

"It starts at noon and ends at midnight, so get ready sleepy head." She said while throwing me the dress and I ran into the bathroom to put it on.

" She said while throwing me the dress and I ran into the bathroom to put it on

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Yes I did draw the dress but not Chelia. And my screen is all messed up so I had to draw this on my school iPad then take a picture of it off of the I pad with my phone.

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