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If you can't play media it's bleeding love nightcore.

"Well all the guilds decided to get together and have a party tonight and it said Semi-Fancy, so like ball gown but, a pretty dress." Said while finding the perfect one it was yellow and orange with a light orange ribbon wrapped around the waist, and accompanying the orange was some pink accents.

"It starts at noon and ends at midnight, so get ready sleepy head." She said while throwing me the dress and I ran into the bathroom to put it on.


.~*Chelia's POV*~.

As we walked to the party I noticed Sherry not looking okay and that she seemed to put on some weight as I looked at her closer.

"Hey Sherry can I ask you something?" I asked her looking at her again.

"Sure what is it Chelia?" Sherry asked.

"Well you seem kinda under the weather a bit and you seem, how do I put this nicely, plumper since I last saw you." I asked really not wanting to up set her with the words I used.

"Well I guess since you asked. Chelia are you ready to be an aunt?" She asked and left me in utter shock on what she just said.

"YOUR PREG-!" I was trying to saw until she put her hand over my mouth.

"Could you be any louder Chelia?" She asked looking annoyed at me.

"Sorry. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked her as I thought after Ren I should have known right away.

"Well I wanted to surprise you at a certain time but since you did ask I answered." She said to me as we arrive at the party.

"Oh." I said.

When I looked up I saw the party it was one that was outside it was decorated with fairy lights scattered everywhere. And a small little stage that was also lit up and there were also some vines hanging by some trees and trees surrounding the perimeter of the party. There were long tables, one had a salad bar on it, another one had a pasta bar on it, and the last one there were desserts galore, from cakes to jellos!

"CHELIA!" I turned around as I heard someone calling my name. There she was I ran up to her and have her a big bear hug and a small and sneaky kiss on the cheek so no one would be able to see.

"Hey Wendy!" I said while letting her go from my grip to wave to her. When I opened my eyes I saw her blushing, and I giggled a bit.

"W-What's So f-funny?!" She said while still being in shock from what I did.

"Oh nothing you were just being really cute that's all." I said while we walked to the pasta bar.

"So Wendy." I said about to ask her something.

"What is it Chelia?" She asked kindly as we both got some spaghetti.

"Well, have you umm, told anybody yet?" I asked her, wonderingly.

.•*Wendy's POV*•.

When she asked that question my mind immediately went to my conversation with Romeo and remembered that I never did learn how he knew about Chelia and I.

"No I didn't but, somehow Romeo does know." I told her truthfully.

"It's okay I mean I told Sherry." She said as she looked at Sherry as Mira gave her some jewel with a smug look on her cousins face.

"Oh and those to placed a bet on wether Rowen would happen or Chendy." She said giggling again.

"W-wait WHAT?!" I said in utter shock and then though again.

"I take it back, that's totally something Mira would do." I said with a smile.

"Well we should probably find a seat so we can eat and not spill." Chelia said as she pointed out an empty table.

So we walked to the table and sat down right next to each other and when we finished, we both ran over to the dessert table.

"Life's biggest question." I heard Chelia day as I giggled at her comment.

"Why don't we do the jello?" I said pointing out on how good the jello looked.

"Well it is really pretty and probably tastes amazing so, LET US JELLO." Chelia said making another funny comment.

So we both grabbed a piece of jello and made our way back to the table. When we were walking back to our table I looked at my surroundings and saw Sherry and she gave me a, THUMBS UP! Well I guess she is happy that I'm giving Chelia a chance at this couple thing. When we sat down the fairy lights went out and the stage lit up and Mira walked up to the stage and sat down and started to sing.

Play Media.

"Closed off from love, I didn't need the pain."

"I didn't know Mira could sing." I whispered to Wendy.
"Yep and she's really good!" Wendy whispered to me.

I got up and took Wendy with me maybe more like dragged her with me I had been having this feeling that someone was watching to closely. So I took this chance to really tell Wendy how I feel once and for all and if she will let me I'll do something else.

"Chelia?" I heard Wendy say.

"What is it Wendy?" I said looking back at her with a smile.

"Well umm why did we walk out of the party?" She asked almost looking flushed.

"Well I felt like someone was watching us way to closely." I said to her while turning my head to look forward again.

"Oh... okay." Wendy said calming down a bit.

As we walked to me destination I loosened my grip on Wendy's arm and eventually let go completely, and kept walking and if she wanted to follow me then it was her decision. So I looked behind me and still saw her following me smile and all.

"Hey Wendy?"

"What's up Chelia?"

"I-I love..."

A Bit Of A Decision Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt