It Hurts

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"W-what d-did you do!!!" I said finally loosing it with her, but that was my first mistake to make


.~*Chelia's POV*~.

"Tsk tsk, you silly girl, this exactly what I need, so l actually thank you." She said with a deadly smirk, but I wad still confused on what she meant what did she want me to do that would give her the upper hand in this fight, and what did Wendy have to do it?!

"I still see you're still a bit confused, but I can't tell you sorry sweetie." She said walking up to me as I backed away and made a run for the woods. You make think I'm a coward but if you had ever lived with my mom you wouldn't blame me, she's the best at manipulating!people, with her magic being dreams, she has made her enemies in the past, kill them selfs, and now I am an enemy.

,-"Romeo's POV"-,

When I woke up it was a bit blurry at first and realized that I had totally passed out but, from what? I got up and looked around and didn't see either of the girls, where did they go? I thought for a minuets and thought that I should check the party cause they might have gone back there. When I got there I just saw people congratulating Sherry on something, but never once did I see either of the girls that I was looking for. I had asked so many people if they had seen either of them but apparently they haven't seen them till they snuck off. This is weird and I have a really bad feeling about all of this.

•*~Lucy's POV•*~

I was starting to get a really bad feeling when Romeo came up and asked if I had seen either Wendy or Chelia, but I told him no because I really hadn't, so I poked around a bit and came across a cliff with no one around except for...

"WENDY!!!" She was just hanging there by her arms, so I ran to her and untied her, and set her down and made an attempt to wake her up, but it wasn't working, then I heard a stick break behind me so I took a glance behind me and saw...

*^•Natsu's POV*^•

Where did she go? I swear Luce was here like two minutes ago cause she said she was hungry so I went to get food but now I can't find her anywhere, and cause if all the food and people it's impossible to pick up her scent. I asked Happy if he has seen her but he hadn't, this was starting to get confusing and, I actually had to start thinking, where did my girlfriend go? Girls are weird, but then right at that moment Romeo came up to me and asked me if U had seen Wendy or Chelia, why are some of the girls missing?

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