Come Play With Auctor!

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Hello my little demons! I know- another author note with just one chapter?! And for that I'm sorry, but I really wanted to get my legion's opinion on a few things!


Are you all okay with me sticking this close to the show? I'm not sure if you guys think it's boring and want me to go on more side tangents. Which I am more than happy to do! I can venture off with other missions or new villains to spice things up before/during/after Alexandria. If you guys want this option more, I will still come back to the plot of the show to ensure that the timeline and events stay lined up properly.

Or would you guys rather I stuck to the show plot like I've been doing like a twisted koala? And simply just add the tiny plot changes like who says what?


Do you guys feel okay with the amount of OC's I've been adding to the mix?
•I kept Merle alive- which can create a whole other batch of unexplored story arcs.
• Azolla Heaventree I added with the Governor group like what happened with Tara.
• Juno has been guest starring here and there as the group stalker.
• Eevee of course but still needed to be added.

If you guys are getting your fill of OC's with this list then I'll keep it to these few. But if you're feeling adventurous I am more than prepared to create a couple extra ones to twist into the novel!


As we all know, Eevee and Daryl are a post-apocalyptic power couple. And I can continue with their story only until we reach the burning end of this story because I love my babies. And I fully intend to go down with this ship, but I can also work in the love lives of other characters (I'm open to suggestions on who).


I would also like to let you all know that my college classes have returned like a fatal disease, so I will be focusing the brunt of my efforts on my courses but I fully intend to keep up with my stories as much as I possibly can!

Please be patient if it takes me a hot minute to update anything!


Stay crazy my little demons!

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!!

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