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Marinett pov

i was just siting on my balkeny at night, enoying he view. I had made two cups of hot choclate, one for me and a seratin cat that had been coming to my roof every night since the glaciater incdent wich was about a week and a half ago. I thouht he wold get board and stop coming but nope! he kept coming back and to be honest......I dident really mind. H was great company. I was half way done with my cup utill i saw a black figur running along the roof tops of paris. It jumped into the air and the moon was blocked for a minet. Then gravity took affect and he came back down. It carried on running untill it was right infront of me. Right there and then I ws staring right into the eyes of my kitty. His green eyes full of fun and his chest heaving. He was so close thou. I pushed his face away playfully and herd him chckle

Cat noir:"Good eavining princess"

Marinet:"Hey kitty, want some?"

i held out the cup and he smirked

Cat noir:"Thanks princess"

He tok the cup from me and we both sat down on the balkeny talking about school and some of out favorite things {all safe topics}

He tok the cup from me and we both sat down on the balkeny talking about school and some of out favorite things {all safe topics}

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I had to admit, he was a pretty intersting . As he just finshed up a story on how one of his best freinds walked into the teachers lounge and he had to save his butt, I asked him a question that had been nagging at me for a while

Marinett:"Hey kitty, can I ask you something?"

Cat noir:"Sure princess"

Marinett:"Why do you keep visiting me?"

I saw his face turn sad, and I wonderd if I had said the wrong thing

Cat noir:"Dont you like me visiting you?"

Marinett:"WHAT?! NO of corse I do, your pretty good company, I was just curious is all"

Cat noir:"Oh......"

He looked very thoughtfull. I waited for his awnser, his trade mark smile was gone replaced with a sad one. I wonderd what he was thinking about

Cat noie:"Ill tell you one day..."

Marinett:"Thats not a awnser"

Cat noir:"No its not"

He lifted the cup back to his moth and tok another sip

Marinett:'Your really annoying"

Cat noir:'I know, I get told that by my lady alot"

I tensed at the use of my nickname. This normally wouldn't bother me but i wasent in costume,it was a little weird

Marinett:"W-Well she has good reason"

Cat noir:"What, no she dosent im purrrrrrfect"

He smirked and I rolled my eyes. He was so annoying. Then there was silence. I looked at him confused, but I dident need to worry. He was just drinking his ho choclat. Then he hissed


Marinett:"WHAT?!?! ARE YOU OKAY?!?!"

He went into a coffing fit. I craweld over to him and patted his back. He finally stoped and looked at me embarsed

Marinett:"What happend?!"

Cat noir:"I........choaked on marshmellow..."

My eyes widdend..........then I burst out laughfing

Cat nor:"SHUT UP!!!!"


Aftr i finally calmed down I saw his cheeks so red

Marinett:"S-Sorry its just so funny"

Cat noir:"Ya ya..."

Marinett:"Awwwwww is my kitty sulky?"

Cat noir:"Ya.......okay Ill admit it was kinda funny"


We were both laughfing alot. I really liked this, it was nice to talk to him with no danger or without my mask. He was great company, who knows maby we can become even better freinds than me and Alya. When he had to go I felt myself missing him.Wait......what is he doing to me?!?!?

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