Fight for your life: part 1

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It was still dark in the city of Paris. Everything was calm, it always is before a storm. Marinett sat at the bottom of her chesesie and looked out of her windwo for any sighne of the three villains. She had a bad feeling. She had a feeling that tonight was about to get a whole lot worse but she was left with so many questions. Why harm chat? Was it because sit was easy? Why shut down bloody nightmare? Why but a Emuck in his ring to only take it out? Why hasn't Chat woke up?! Tikki had told her he must have passed out from the pain. He hadent lost to much blood thanks to the suit but that didn't ease Marinetts worries. All she wanted to do was talk to him. For him to calm her down. He was a!ways so good at that. He always reasured her when she needed it, it was one of the reasons she loved him

She looked back down to her knees and sighed. She couldn't fall asleep, not after that. She was running on Adrenaline. Impossible to sleep now and besides she had to be alert. She decided she could use some Coffee to keep herself awake. She stood up and gave Chats hand a reasuring squeeze. Maby it was more for her but she just needed to feel him. To know he was alive. To feel she was not alone in this. She padded over to the trap door and opend it ever so silently as to not wake anyone else up. As she stepped into the tiled kitchen she put the kettle on and began to make her coffee while thinking over a plan

'i should get more people to help. Even if Chat does wake up he is in no condition to fight. Maby Rena Rouge. She could give bloody nightmare his own nightmare illusion. Maby Carepace to eyelid us from his whips and....that should work. Queen bee would have to get to close to use her venom so it would but her in danger.'

Marinett let a small smile play on her lips, happy knowing that she at least knew who to get. She finished her coffee and walked back up and nearly dropped it when she saw Chat sitting up in bed.

"Chat!?" She said in amazement. Chat looked up. His teeth were clenched togeather and he had his hand wrapped around his waist. Marinett remberd she couldn't give shim anything for the pain. Oh poor kitty. She rushed over to the first aid kit and flipped it open to some pain medicine. She read the restrictions before taking out two white tablet's and handing then to Chat with her coffee to drink from. "Here, theses should help with the pain" She said in a gental voice knowing he probley also had a headache. Chat took the coffee in his hand and the pills in the other taking them at the same time

"Th-Thanks princess" He gave a small smile. Marinett smilled back and without hurting him leans up and gave him a gental hug. Chat slowely and shakingly wrapped his arms around her and he let out a breath she didn't know he was holding. Once they seperated Chat gave her a questioning look. "What happend?" He asked. Marinett cringed. How could she tell him and not reveal her identity? "Mari?" He asked again.

"W-Well I-I don't know exactly B-But Ladybug d-dropped you off here after you p-passed out" Marinett mentally face planes at the weak explanation but luckily he was still out of it to pick up on her nervous stutter. Instead he started at her with wide eyes and a face of pure horrow. "But that means Ladybug is fighting by herself!" He enfisused. Marinett cringed as he tried to move but a pained groan was snatched from his throat. "Whoa! Whoa! Don't try to move kitty, your still injured" Marinett jently pushed him back down. He didn't put up much of a fight and laid down easily. "But ladybug..." He tried but Marinett shushed him

"She's fine. She told me that after you passed out Hawkmoth and Mayru showed up. She said that Hawkmoth shut down bloody nightmare down and something else..." She just couldn't wrap her head around it. Chat looked at her, his mask raised as if her were raising his eyebrow. "Well she said that Mayru sent a Emuck into your ring but then took it back out" Chat looked at her with a puzzled look in his eyes. She could see his brain at work but all she got was a groan as he reached and touched his head. "Headache" He whined. In another case I would have laughed at this but...he was in pain. "It's okay kitty, the medicine should kick in soon enough" Marinette said, in hopes her voice would sooth him. It didn't this time. He still looked restless, like he was scared of something. Well he had a lot to be afraid of. "Plagg must be tired. Wanna try releasing him?" She asked. Chat looked at Marinette with a hazy look but sighed "Claw in" After that the room was flooded with green light, then it was gone along with his suit. Luckily his mask was on so his identity was conseald

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