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Marinett POV

As I got up I remberd the events of yesterday. Cats words rang through my head "Your butifulle" I hugged my pillow closer to my chest and squeeled. I missed Tikkis smug look and went to my closet. I looked Ina he picked up my normal outfit when Cats words rang through my head "your butifulle" I put it back and got out a outfit that I had been working on. I was about to put my hair into pigtails when again his words ecoaed in my head "your butifulle" "your butifulle" "your butifulle" I and no idea what was napping but I wasn't complaint. His voice was soft and sinseer, not a bad thing to be played over and over. In the end I looked like this

I was definitely happy but another voice rang through my head that DEFINATTLY was not cats "Your stupid, ugly and fat"

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I was definitely happy but another voice rang through my head that DEFINATTLY was not cats "Your stupid, ugly and fat". I recognized it as a old bully. True Chloe bullied me about my hair but that was a while ago, this girl was way worse and I guess some of her words stuck. I was about to get changed again but then by mom called me

Sabine:"Hurry up dear, your late!"

I grabbed my side bag with Tikki and ran downstairs. My mother look surprised

Sabine:"Oh! You wearing you hair loos?"

Marinett:"Uuuuu ya! I felt like a change"

Sabine:"Oh well good for you dear"

Marinett:"Ya, well I'll see you after school. Bye Mom!"

I hugged her good bye and sped off to school not wanting to be late, AGAIN!

Adrien POV

I was waiting in class for a certain princess to come. She was late as usall. When the doors hurts open I imidetally blushed. She looked wonderfull. All the boys heads turned towards her as she made up an exuse to the teacher, even Nathinel looked at her. I wasn't worried about him thou, he liked that Mark guy, good for him. Marinett walked past me and kept her head low to avoids all the stares. The whole lesson I couldent stop noticing every sudden move she made. I don't know why but I just couldent stop, no matter how hard I tried. I dident know this feeling, it was forgin. It was lucky that I was such a good multitasker because the teacher would ask me surprise questions, I would just awnser the automatically like the robot my dad wanted. Nino would gasp every time I did this and I couldent help but smirk. When the lesson was over it was lunch. I saw Marinett sitting at a table alone. I looked to the corner of the room where everyone was all around Lila believein every lie she spoke. I wonderd about her home life, was it bad where she had to lie to make people like her. I felt bad for her. I walked over to Marinett

Adrien:"Is this seat taken?"


She flipped out and nearly dropped her food. She just managed to catch it

Adrien:"Hey Mari!"

Her cheeks were bright red, I smirked on the inside

Marinett:"H-Hey Adrien"

Adrien:"May I sit?"

Marinett:"Of course"

I sat down on the opposite side of her

Adrien:"Why are you sitting alone?"

She pointed behinde herself with her thumb towards where the others were.....all around Lila

Adrien:"Oh, figure"

Marinett:"And you?"

I pointed to the grope


We began tucking into our lunches, I decide to start on her outfit

Adrien:"You look really nice today"

She began blushing and rambling. I chuckeld to myself

Marinett:"W-Well th-thanks"

Adrien:"Hehehehe but seriously, you never wear your hair down. What gives?"

Marinett:"My b-best friend said I should. That I looked............ butifulle..."

We were both blushing. I was pretty sure she was talking about me but I just wanted to make sure

Adrien:"Who? Alya?"

Marinett:" was someone else"


Marinett:"Why are you so curious?"

She had a sweet smile on

Adrien:"Just am"

I picked up my sandwich and began eating again. We talked for the whole of ouch but it was getting hard to not bring up stuff that only Cat noir knows. I really hoped my luck wasn't catching up. But it was just so hard not to talk to her,it took all of my self controll not to teas her. She was just so amazing, cute, clever, sassy, kind, butifulle.........she was so good and amazing and- oh my God..................I think I'm taking in love with Marinett...

Marinett POV

It was such a good day! So many people complimented me on my look! Cat was right, I did look nice with my hair down. But something was off, whenever I was bored my mind would wonder to him. It was weird, normally when this happens I would think of Adrien. Not that silly dorkey cat! I had no idea what was napping but I dident get time to think. I herd three taps on my window like normal. I opened the window to see my dorkey kitty

Cat noir:"Hey purrrrrinces"

Marinett:"The first sentence out of your mouth is a pun"

Cat noir:"It has to be"

Marinett:"Your a walking pun"

I put my hand to my forehead and sighed. He chuckeld and clumped in through the window

Cat noir:"You want to come up to the balkeny? Its a pawsome night"

Marinett:"Hush! I'm coming, let me make some coco"

Cat noir:"YES!"


I went downstairs and made some coco. As I walked back up I saw felt x jump out of the skylight, Probelly to his dad. I went up with the two cups and saw him sitting on the railing. He looked so relaxed and calm, so current from his energetic personality. It was these nights I loved. Calm and quite, no battels no loud noises. Just calm and quite. I handed him his mug without a word and he drank it without a sound. I was so quite you could hear a pin drop

Cat noir:"You look lovely Marinett"

It shocked me how serious and guenioun those words sounded. I looked back to him with red chees to see him Smilling with his own red cheeks. I never noticed just how handsome he was. His jawline was starting to define more and his cheeks looked as soft as cotten. His hair looked as soft as silk and it's messy look fitted him. It was starting to get longer but it suited him. His body was starting to get muscles and they couldent be hidden thanks to his skin tight suit- but I wasn't complaining. His eyes.......they were another story. They shon green with hints of yellow. They showed life, joy, fun, kindness and love! But they also showed neglect, sorrow and......loss. I couldent understand how someone so happy could have that but I guess anything's possible. I felt a pang of anger in my chest, anger that someone so cruel could hurt such a amazing, kind,sweet,tender,dorkey amazing boy..........oh my God.........I'm falling in love with Cat noir...

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