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As we lay there, we talked about small things, both of us avoiding the big problem. I just didn't feel like if could talk about it, neither did I think it was the right time. As we got onto a topic of video games I herd Marinetts parents call down

"Come down you two! Breakfast is ready!"

I looked at Marinett while tilting my head to the side, wondering how her mother knew I was here. She grinned and shrugged her shoulders as we climed down her ladder. I walked past Felix who was at the end of the trap door as if waiting for us to go down. I gave a solute to him as we went down the stairs. We walked down the wooden steps, Marinett infront of me and I saw Sabine sitting on a chair sipping some tea in her usall fashion. Marinett yawned and walked over to her mother giving her a kiss on the cheek as she passed. On the table there were two plates of bacon, egg and toast. I had had alot of rich food that people would pay a fourtune for but I had never seen food that looke so good. I had to controll my mouth so I didn't drool on the floor. Sabine turned her attention to me and she gave a warm smile. Something was off thou. Althou she was smilling, there was something in her eye that I just couldn't pin point

"Hello Chat noir, would you join us for breakfast?" She asked with a welkoming voice "How could I say no? The food looks Paw-sitively perrrrfect" I grinned as I herd Marinett moan. I sat down next to her and we began to tuck in. The food was AMAZING!!! I nearly scoffed the whole thing down. It had been a while since I had had a good meal and I was so happy that I got to eat this

"Where's papa, mama?" Marinett asked, looking around for her father "he's in the bakery dear, heel be up here soon" She said. Marinett nodded and went back to her food. Sabine turned her attention back to me and gave me a warm slime "You like the food Hu?" She asked, with a smirk on her Chinese face. I had a helping of food in my mouth and not wanting to be rude, I gave a enthusiastic nodd. Marinett huffed. "Pleas, heel eat anything you put infront of him" I sawllowed my food and looked at Marinett with a grin on my face "Even I have my standers princess, for instance I'll never eat chicken" She raised a eye brow at me "Why not?" "A chiken chased me as a kid. I vowed to never eat a chiken knowing how cruel the creatures are" I said. Marinett was trying to keep her laughing in while Sabine was chuckling. I decided to humor them a little more and carried on "What's so funny? They are horibal creates!" I asked, with a fake hurt "I mean those beedy eyes and they way they can look in two directions at once just scares me. I still have nightmares" Sabine and Marinett burst out laughing while I just sat there with my arms crossed, acting of fake hurt

"You are both so mean" I say hoping that what I said wasn't considered rude. Luckily Sabine took it as a joke and chuckled at me. Marinett calmed down at went back to her food. I felt my tail flick behind me, in contentness and I gave a silent sigh. I wish life could always be like this. Then I herd the door open and Tom stepped in. He had some flour on his moustache and more on his shoulders. He smilled at me and walked past, as Marinett gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Morning Papa" Marinett said. Tom smilled at both of us and took out a seat next to Sabine. "Good morning to both of you" He said "Morning, if you don't mind me asking why are you coverd in flour?" I asked. Tom looked at his big arms and stroked his moustache feeling the white powder on it and gave a chuckle "I must have spilt it on myslef while baking. I don't even know how it happened" "I know. I sawer Chat I can never escape it! One second I'm clean and then the next it's in my room and I'm coverd in it! And it's so hard to get off!" Marinett said with a annoyed expression and many hand geastures. I chuckeld at her, thinking of how funny it would be to see her room coverd in flour "It's no laughing matter my boy, it traps you and then covers you" Tom said with a beam on his face. I chuckled even more while Sabine rolled her eyes "I swear I'm the only normal one in this family. Maby Chat noir will be normal like me" Sabine said. I nearly choaked on my food. Was that a interaction to join their family? Marinetts eyes widened as she looked back at me and then her mother "Mama! He is not normal! He acts more like Felix than a human" Just then Felix meowed from the stairs and came walking over to me. He rubbed himself against my leg and jumped on the table. He looked between me and Marinett and lifted his head as he walked over to me. Marinetts jaw dropped in pure hurt as I pulled me into his arms and nuzzeld my head against his "Hey! I raised you!" Marinett shouted "Well I bring him food!" I retorted. I could see out of the corner of my eye, Sabine and Tom laughing. "But I'm with him all the time! Typical! He only likes you because your a black cat" For some reason that....hurt. not the black cat thing but he only likes you thing. It reminded me of my dad. He only TOLERATES me because I'm a money maker. I model, he gets money and fame. I shook my head. That had nothing to do with what Marinett said so I should stop connecting it "Princess, he likes me more because I'm good with animals. Besides I saved him" Marinett crossed her arms "I heated the ovens" "I named him" She huffed and so did I. I could see the grin slip on her face as we both burst out laughing. Tom and Sabine did to. Felix got annoyed by the loud noises and jumped out of my hands and went somewhere else. As we carried on eating I saw Tom and Sabine grow more and more grave. This was a bit out of no where and I got a little worried

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