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Marinett pov

I looked around trying to find something to use with my lucky charm but there was nothing. I couldent think of anything!!! I looked around frantically but no...nothing...

Hawkmoth:"Give it up, or he will die!"

I looked around and saw Cat at blade point. He was glaring but I could see he was scared. His eyes shone with fear, it made my heart sink

Cat noir:"Don't you dare! I'll be fine, just look around. You'll see something"

I looked around but there was nothing, we were juts in a empty room with hawkmoth

Hawkmoth:"Your running out of time. Is your partner really that expendibal?"

He started to dig the tip of the blade into his back, Cat noir gritted his teeth trying not to scream. I could see small droplets of blood


Hawkmoth:"The miracle!"

Cat noir:"No!"

I was torn. I couldn't give up my miracle but I couldn't let him die!!! I made to make a decision quickly or I was going to lose my partner. The blade started to dig deeper into his back. Blood started to spill and a rear streaked down his face onto the floor where it mixed in with the blood

Ladybug:"STOP, DONT HURT HIM!!!"

Hawkmoth:"You know what has to be done then! Give me your miracles! I won't ask again"

Cat noir:"Don't do it ladybug! You can't let him win!!!"

I stared blankly at the two. What was I going to do!?!? I looked around again hoping against all odds that I would think of something to use my lucky charm with but there was nothing!

Hawkmoth:"Last chance. Are you really willing to let your partner die!?!?"


Cat noir:"Please, don't give up. I'll be fine, I always am"

Tears were streaming down my face. I had to make a decision...

Ladybug:"Okay, okay. You win, just let him go!"

I saw Cat noirs face morph into shock as I took my earings off. I threw them to him and glared at the man that dare hurt my partner

Marinett:"There! Now let him go!"

Hawkmoth began to laughf and I nearly fainted as the cold releasition but me. My miracles was the only thing keeping Cat noir alive. When I gave it up hawkmoth no longer need cat as a hostige, it was easier to just kill him than keep him alive!


He screamed as the blade went straight through his chest. The blood spilt everywhere and his screamed drowned out every thought. Hawkmoth smirked and backed away with his wepone that was coated with Cats blood. I screamed and ran to my dying partner who could barely keep his eyes open

Marinett:"No no no no no no. This can't be happing!! It CANT!!!!"

Cat noir:"P-Princess..."

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