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Adrien pov

My stomach started groweling, thou I was expecting this. this is a normal thing, these horibal stomach pains that never seem to go away. The noise started to die down and the pain started to fade but it was still lingering. I groaned and sat up, maby I could sneak some food. I mean I'm a cat themed super hero so I should be sneaky. Plagg was fast asleep on my pillow so I dident bother waking him up. I walked along the silent halls then I noticed something I had never looked at. The walls were bare. I stood infront of one empty spot and just stared at it, I felt like something was missing...but what? I walked towards the kitchin with a weird feeling in my stomach. When I got there I saw no one was there, good. I opend the cupboards and found a bit of bread and some butter. I took out a butter knife and began sneering the yellow substance on the bread. Even thou the bread was fresh it could never beat Marinetts parents bread, that was worth dying for. I had just finished up on my "butter sandwich" when I herd foot steps behind me and I knew who it was. I always got that feeling and the hair on my neck always sood up. but I found this a little weird. My neck hair only stands up when there's a vilan around, I noticed this when I was Cat noir, a cat thing but it soon mixed into my civilian self so I could basically sence if an Akuma was about to attack me. But this was strange, it only happens when vilans  are around so why does it happen when father's around? Hes not a vilan

Gabriel:"What are you doing Adrien?"

His voice had such a coldness to it, it made me shiver

Adrien:"Just grabing a snack father"

Gabriel:"Adrien, I thought I made this clear. Your on a diet"

Adrien:"But Father I'm already thin, I don't really understand"

Gabriel:"You don't need to understand, all you need to do is follow orders. Is that clear?"

I wanted to say yes, every fibre in my body was pleading for me to say yes but my idiotic brain wssent lising Listing

Adrien:"But father it's my body. Shouldn't it be me who decides if I'm on a diet or not?"

He sent a glare in my direction and I knew instialy I should have just kept quite. He walked closer to me and that really intimated me. He glared at me sending dagers from his eyes right Into all the places it hurt

Gabriel:"Adrien you are merely a kid. I will decide everything for you. These kind of decisions that I am making will have an affect on the business and I can't have the press seeing you look like a pig"

That struck me hard. I always thought I had a pretty okay body, maby I thought wrong

Adrien:"But dad, it's still my life and body. I get to decide with what I do-"

Gabriel:"Adrien I don't have time for your temper tantrums, I have more important things to do. Now pleas go back to your room where you will practice your piano and then your Chinese"

Adrien:"But Father-"


He raised his voice but only a little. It had such a coldness to it, nothing like Tom's or Sabine's. Why couldn't he be more like them, supporting and Caring. I sighed and walked back too my bedroom with a sad expression on my face. I passed that spot in the hall and stared at it again. Then I finally realised what it was and my eyes welled up with tears. I walked back to my bedroom and ran into the bathroom hopeing I dident wake plagg up. I turned the tap on and washed my face so there would be no trace of any tears. I wssent ment to cry, father says only babies cry and that it will ruin my face.

Adrien:"What did I do wrong to deserve this?"

I hated to ask this because I knew the awnser.


I did nothing and that's the problem. I should have done more to earn his love, I should have tried more! I should have been perfect from the start. I looked back in my memories and saw my father smilling at me and my mother. They were both so happy. Was my mother the only thing holding this family togeather? I remberd the bare part on the hall wall and remberd what used to hang there? A family picter. I was about 6. I was sitting on my mother's lap playing with her fingers. She was sitting on a seat and her eyes were closed from laughing. My father was at the side with his hand reaching for mine. I rember that while we were preparing for the photograph the phototheraper shot a test picter and my mother saw it. She said we dident need another one. That one was perfect... Tht memory made me smile. I washed up the tears that had run down my cheeks and gave my best smile to the broken boy in the mirrow. He looked perfect. I sighed and stepped out but something in that back of mind was nagging at me. "This won't last, you won't last. Youll break and everyone will hate you. Your imperfect, no one will love the real you. Thats why ladybug will never love you and Marinett won't either. Thats why your mom left. Thats why your father hates you. Thats why your broken........your not built to last, your built to be broken, built.....to fall" I felt more tears threating to fall but I pushed the voice aside. I didn't want to deal with it so I just pushed it deep down and let it sit. It's not like it can do any harm ignoring it......right?

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