Shout-out and merry Christmas

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Hello my little snow flakes (that's what I'm gonna call you) I hope all of you are having a merry Christmas. I was hoping that you guys could so me a favour and go over to a amazing persons profile and vote+read a few of her stories


Through messages we have gotten to talk after she showed consern because I wasn't uploading. I now consider her a friend even thou if never met or seen her. She's a amazing badass that deserves more recination. So if you want to make her Christmas and give her a present on my behalf I emplore you to go check out her work. It has amazing ideas with amazing writing skills that deserve praise. She's a amazing person herself and to Katlady16 I'm doing this to hopefully make your Christmas. It may not work but again to all of you it's Christmas so let's spread the love

Merry Christmas my little snowflakes and I'll see you all later.
Merry Christmas Katlady16

Frosty out💙

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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