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Adrien pov

As the teacher walked in class I raised my head. I was so tired of all the photo shoots and fencing, piano, chines, not to mention saving the city all the time. But that was fine, nothing Corse couldn't fix. The teacher stood at her desk and looked at all of us with a grin on her face

"Today class you will be writing pomes!" She said enthusiasticly. The students began talking in a murmer, but I could make out their conversations quite easily. Maby my Cat abilitys are rubbing off on me. The teacher clapped her hands and everyone became quite

"You will hand this in tomorrow and I will grade you, you will also have to read it out to the rest of the class. So make sure it's something your comfortable talking about" The rest of the lesson was the same as every other lesson. I would catch up on sleep while subconsciously taking notes in my head like a zombie then we were free to go home. As I was packing my stuff up I herd Nino and Alya at the end of the classroom calling my name. I looked up and saw Alya waving her hand, beconing me over to them. I nodded and walked over to the two and we began walking out the school "What's up?" I asked the two. "Marinett invited us to the bakery for free treats, wanna come?" Alya said causally. I tapped my chin and thought for a minnet. I had about a hour untill my next photoshoot, maby this will boost my energy

"Sure, let's go". "Awesome dude" The three of us walked into the bakery and the little bell jingeld as we enter. Marinett was sitting behinds the counter with a pencil in her hand biting the end off. She looked up to see us and I felt myself getting lost in her eyes. They lit up perfectly in the sun, something I couldn't explain. She gave us a smile and walked over, bouncing in her step a little

"Hey guys, have a seat. I'll get treats!" She said sweetly. Nino punched the air as if this was a victory "That's why I came dudett!" We sat down and Marinett soon joined us with a few crosoints. I grabbed one before any of them could take it away and bit into it as if flaming it as mine "Whoa dude! Hungry much?" Nino asked with a playfully smile on his face. Irealosed that maby I was letting my Cat noir side show a bit to much and rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly

"Hehehe I...like crosoints?" I said, almost in a questionioning tone "Who doesn't? Marinette parents make the best crosoints in the whole of Paris!" Alya said with a proud smile. Marinett looked at her best freind with gratitude and dug into her own crosoint. We sat there for a bit, just eating untill Marinett spoke up

"So what are you guys doing for your poems?" She asked. Alya looked exited, like she already planned it "Duh! About Ladybug, how she's a savior" I saw a smile cross Marinetts lips but then it slipped into a frown "Just Ladybug?" "Ya"

"What about Cat noir? Isent he apart of the hero team?" I felt blood rush to my cheeks and felt my heart light up. It made me so happy that she was defending me or....acnologing me

"Ya I know, but I'm the ladyblogger. Besides I know way more about Ladybug that Cat noir" Alya said, simply. Marinett huffed but made no further coment. I wanted to say "It's fine princess, I have you and that's all i need" But of Corse I couldn't say that. Nino finished his crosoint

"I'm doing it on how music makes me feel" He said proudly. Alya smilled warmly at him making him blush "That's a good idea dude" I said. I looked at Marinett and geastured for her to give a awnser "Oh! Just about someone..." She said with a blush on her face and a found smile. I wondered who she was talking about. Everyone looked at me, in all truth I didn't actually know. What should I do it about. Not him, I didn't want people to worry more than they already do. Maby the rush and feeling I got from being Cat? Nah! I would give to much away. So what then?

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