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I looked around my black prison, nothing but darkness. Not s single shred of light. Just black. I had no idea where I was but I rember pain. A lot of pain. I could feel the dry blood by my chest and could feel it drying on my back. I couldn't rember much, after the pain started all my memories became a little fuzzy. How long had I been here? Minnets? Hours? Days!? Who knows. I tried to stand but only to fall back down, my attempts in vain. I managed to prob myslef up and my elbows and looked at my right leg. Unfortunately I couldn't see anything, it was just black

Then out of nowhere I was blinded but a white burst of light. It was so bright I had to sheild my eyes as it got closer. The light eventually got dimmer but was still bright much to my relife. I didn't know how much more of the dark I could take. I looked at the source of the light and much like my memory, it was all fuzzy and blurry. I could vaguely make out its shape and could tell it was mostly made of white expert for the top that looked to be a light skin tone. It had two pointy blurry things on its head but what most caught my eyes was the two blue lights. Even thou they were blurry I could make out that they had to be eyes since they were placed in the position of ones. I felt a shiver run down my spine. Even thou they were fuzzy I felt like they were staring into my very being, judging everything about me. My actions, ambitions, passions, thoughts...

"H-H....Help" I wheezed as I tried to reach out to the white figure. Instead of a reply I was met with silince. The silence was reading and I began to wonder if I had gone deaf. I tried again but really all I was met was with another round of silence. I was beginning to lose hope when sundly the figure took a few steps toward, his Job!Eng making a sound that echoed thought-out the darkness. I reached out for help but the figure stopped right infront of me and bent down without a sound. Before I could react my miraclous was ripped off my finger. I gave a cry of protest but felt to weak to make another sound. The figure stood up and wisperd in my ear

"I'll see you soon" He wisperd before he was gone. The light disappeared and I was left in the dark once again

Left to bleed out

Left to die

Sorry it's so short, just want to create some suspence. If been having a hard time writing so thanks to all the people staying patience. I really appreciate it. Thankyou and stay cool. Frosty out💙

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