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This was my best plan yet. Nothing could go wrong! I would have Chat noirs and Ladybugs miraclous within my grasp in only a few hours! And I would get my wish. Nothing could go wrong...but if it did...

I had a backup plan

Back in Marinetts room

I woke up with a jolt! My whole body was on edge and I didn't know why. I could feel the hairs on my neck stand up on end. I sat there in perfect silence. Nothing. Everything was calm.

I looked to the pink clock that sat on Marinetts shelf and it read 12:30. I had on!y been alseep for a few hours. Maby I was just paranoid. I looked down at my beutfulle princess. He little button nose was berried in the covers and she was curled up in a ball next to me. I was pretty sure I was going to die of cuteness. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. Maby it was just lack of sleep but I swear I could hear someone scream. I lazily moved till I was on my knees and power my head through the skylight. There was no wind, no rain and no clouds. The stars were out and the city was lit by lights. So why did it all feel so fake. Like a cover to conceal the real threat. I didn't like it. I was about to go out but I felt someone tug at my leg. I looked down to see Marinetts sleepy face looking up at me. Her hair was in tangels. Even so, she was still butifulle.

"Where *yawn* are you going?" She said dazily. I by now was wide awake. Her eyes were half lidded as she rubbed the sleep from them. I took another look at Paris and knew I wasn't going to get back to sleep if I didn't check up on it " lay her back down on the bed but she wouldn't "Princess, ill be back in a second. go back to sleep" I said. She only shook her head, her loos hair falling in her face "Not without you" She said, some of the grogginess disappearing. I sighed. She had that determine look on her face that told me she was following me no matter what. I smilled and brushed a piece of her hair out of her face making her blush a little

"Okay but cover yourself with the blanket. There may be no wind but winter is coming and I don't want you to get sick" She nodded and got up streaching her arms. She grabbed the smaller pink blanket and drapped it over her bare shoulders. I nodded and we went up on the balkeny. Now in the open I could definitely sence something was off but what? There was no explosion, or a big giant destroying Paris so what gives? I lent over the railing and looked over the city of lights. It was all so quite except for the occasional honk of a car. If it was all so normal then why was I so tence?

I felt a hand on my arm and looked over at Marinett who looked more awake than before "Are you okay kitty?" She asked. I gave a nodd and looked back over Paris. Ya, maby I was just over thinking it "Ya I'm good princess. Sorry to wake you from your slumber" I said with a toothy grin. She rolled her eyes and gave me a displeased frown "Well don't do it again cat. If you know anything then you'll know never to wake me up unless something's wrong" She said as she put her hands on her hips. "Sorry Marinett" I apologise and she just nodded. She looked like she was about to say something but then a ear piercing scream echoed through out all of Paris. My blood ran cold an I became even more stiff. My first reaction was to grab ahold of Marinetts hand and pull her close to me. She felt stiff as we stood there in silence, to afraid to move. Then another scream. It sounded like something straight out of a horrow film!

"What's going on!?" She shouted a little loudly. I held her closer to my body, trying to comfort her "It just just be another Akuma. I knew something was off" I said mostly to My self thou she probelly herd it seeing as how here eyes widdend a bit. I quickly ran to her room and plonked her back through the skylight. She looked a little dazed but her head quickly popped back thought the skylight

"I'll go check it out. Stay here where it's safe Marinett. I'll be back soon" I said. Plagg floated through the roof and onto my hand looking very grumpy "Can't that guy ever give us a break?" The god moaned. I felt the exact same way. "No time for rest buddy. "Plagg claws out!" The leather engulfed me and I could hear a few more, fainter screams in the distance. I looked back to Marinett who had a scared look on her face "I'll be back soon" I bent down and gave her a kiss on the head before pole vaulting away

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