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I jumped from roof to roof with a heavy heart. Tonight was my date with Mari but I had to do something before I could enjoy myslef. I jumped back through my windwo and looked around at the walls. They still felt like chains. Chains to keep me grounded. I let my transformation fall and Plagg came spirilng out "Ughhhhh sooooo tired) He whined. I rolled my eyes fondly, remberig the one thing that helped break my chains. I walked over to him and threw a price of his gross cheese at him. His eyes lit up and he began to devower the cheese, like a pig. I walked over to my rooms door and Plagg flew in my pocket just at the last second, planting himself firmly in. I felt Safer with him, knowing I had an escape route. I walked down the empty and silent halls, not a staff member in sight. I looked at the bare walls and the picter of me and mom came back. I still had no idea where it was, so it was pretty mutch gone. I sighed and continued walking. I landed myslef at the Marvel staircase and walked down the steps, the sound echoing in the cold house. I found myself at his office door and if I lissied engouf I could here the tap tap of keys. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. There was no reply. I knocked again but nothing.

"Father it's me, can I come in?" I asked politely. Something diden't feel right in the pit of my stomach. I felt like there was a huge negative emotion on the other side of that door and I was getting a little nervous. I felt plagg shift in my pocket uneasily, letting me know he felt it to. I wisperd down to plagg "Be ready to transform if he's been akunimtsed" Plagg nodded. As I was about to come in I felt all the negative emotion disappear. There was nothing. No sadness, anger, hate. Nothing, it was all gone. I was just confused now so I walked in still cautiously. I looked to my father's desk and there he sat, compleatly normal. He didn't look up thou, what was I expecting?

"Hello Father" I said. He didn't even make a sound so I spoke again "I promised I would first you on Saturdays" I said. He looked up with a icy glare that sent shivers down my spine. His eyes were steel and showed no emotion "Why are you here? I said you are not welkmo back in this house ever again" He said in a cold dead voice. My healing heart cracked a bit but I pushed past it. I was expecting this. "Father, I said I would viset on Saturdays" I said in a calm voice. My father glanced at me and then went back to his tablet. What was I expecting, he doesn't care. I sighed and turned around reaching for the door knob. Just as I turned it I herd my father's voice

"Adrien" He said. I turned around "Yes father?" A little spark of hope blasted in my heart as I waited for his next words

"Don't come back"

........ What was I expecting? I sighed, my heart dropping and walked out. I walked past the empty halls and into the room I CALLED mine. I set to packing a few more cloths in my night bag and then transformed. There was such a strong negative emotion coming from somewhere. Plagg said that because of the cat instincts I would be able to sence negative emotions. Helpfull. I turned around on the spot but I couldn't detect where it was coming from so I bolted out of that cage and into the open air of freedom. As I jumped back the negative emotion faded a little but not alot. It was really off putting, I nearly missed a few jumps. I made it back safely to Marinetts house and came crashing through the windwo, juts badly missing breaking it. She jumped a foot in the air as I crash landed and ran over to me as I shakily stood up. Something just wasn't right

"Kitty!? Are you okay!?" She asked as she helped me up. I nodded a little shakingly and she helped me sit down. The negative emotion was still there but it was starting to fade. "Sorry to scare you princess, I wasent really focused" I said, Wich was true...kinda. she nodded a little hesintaly "How was your father?" She asked. She was so sweet. She remberd I had to viset him. I just gave a blank expression "He was normal. Nothing new" I said dismisvely. I didn't want to say it but it really hurt what he said. Everything he said hurt. What was his goal!? To get me akunimtsed!?

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