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Chat dobeld over onto his knees as Ladybug screamed. Her eyes widened as a scream tore from his throat. Ladybugs heart clenched as she felt her blood run cold. She ran over to her partner but before she could lay a hand on him a CRACK of the whip stopped her. She backflip per into the air away from her beloved kitty and landed on her feet. She herd another agonising scream from her boyfriend and it only made her feel like her heart was being stabbed over and over. Bloody nightmare stood before Chat, a grin on his face

"Awwww poor kitty's scared" He mocked. A glare took hold of Ladybugs face and she refraind from snarling. "Don't touch him!" Ladybug screamed, spinning her yoyo. She ran towards her attacker and wrapped her yoyo around his waist, and slammed him into a wall breaking it. She herd the Akuma groan and a smirk took over her face. 'That'll teach him not to mess with my kitty' Ladybug thought. She was about to bend down and see if she could help Chat when a force pushed her back. Ladybug screamed as she was knocked into a wall. She cringed as she herd the cracks form and a pain in her back blossemend into a deadly flower of pain. Ladybug crumbled to the floor on her knees and looked up. To her horrow she saw two people she hated

Hawkmoth and Mayru

"Hello Ladybug" He said with conseald hatered in his voice. Ladybug winced as she stood up, shakingly on her legs. "What are you doing here hawkmoth!?" She screamed. She didn't like how close he was to Chat and that he and she were here. Something was very wrong and she didn't want to admit it but she was scared. Sure she had faced these two before but she always had Chat right beside her, throwing hits and puns all the while. She kinda admired it a little. How he was never afraid, always able to smile. But right now he was on his hands and knees, screaming in pain and fear. It was hard to listen to...really hard. Ladybug took out her yoyo, spinning it, dangerously. Hawkmoth grinned at her hostilness. "Iv come for your miraclous" He said as if it were innocent. He looked down at Chat as the poor boy was clutching at his head, teeth beared and eyes shut. "And I don't think he is going to put up much of a fight" Hawkmoth said calmly. He reached down and touched Chats back, and he flinched away. Ladybug couldn't stop the snarl that escaped her throat. "Touch him one more time and your gonna regret it!" She said dangerously

Hawkmoth only smilled and backed up much to Ladybugs suprise. Then she saw another figure in the corner of her eye and her head snapped to the right to see bloody nightmare looking worse for wear. She looked around and felt sweat appear on her forehead. 3 to 1. Not good odds. She walked a little back, only to hit the cracked brick wall she was thrown into. Without warning, Bloody nightmare jumped towards her, whip at the ready, waiting to strike. Ladybug jumped out the way, only being missed by inches. She landed on the left of her enemy's but stood in shock. He wasn't aiming at her. He had another target

She watched as the whip (which now had sharp spikes sticking out of it) wrapped around Chats arm. The little blades dug in and Chat screamed out in pain. Blood began to ooze out and she watched as he tried to stand only for the whip to wrap around his leg, pulling him back to the ground while cutting him. Ladybug jumped between the two but was pulled back by Hawkmoth who made a grab for her earings. She instinctively fell to the ground going limp in his arms and then kicking him in the legs, knocking them both to ground. Ladybug recoverd first and shot up, clining her yoyo to wrap around Hawkmoth but Mayru kicked her in the side. Ladybug began going into hand on hand combat while still trying to keep Hawkmoth containd in her yoyo. She really wished Chat was here, well fighting. He was always better at hand on hand combat. Another scream tore all their attention towards Chat. The whip was wrapped around his waist and it was digging into his flesh, drawing blood and more screams. Mayru seemed a little unsettled but Hawkmoth looked unfazed.

"STOP IT!" Ladybug screamed. She threw Mayru to the side, forgetting about hawkmoth and kicked Bloody nightmare to the side punching him in the face as hard as she could, sending him into another wall. She rushed to her kittens side and was horrified to see he was not screaming but had passed out from loss of blood. He was going to die if he didn't get bandaged. She pulled him into her arms "It's okay minoue, your okay" But he wasn't and neither was she if they didn't get out. Chat had gone limp in her arms and it scared her. She put two fingers to his neck and checked his puls

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