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Marinett pov

It was Adriens birthday and I was so exited! I still had a tiny bit of feelings for him but there was my dorky cat who had stolen my heart. I grabbed Adriens present and ran to school. Nino and Alya were already there with Adrien. I walked up to them and waved. Adrien looked just as handsome as ever

Marinett:"Hey guys. Happy birthday Adrien!"

Adrien:"Hehehe thanks Mari"

I gave him a hug and he hugged me back. Alya and Nino smirked even thou I had already told them I liked someone else. I handed him his present and his whole face lit up

Adrien:"T-Thanks Mari"

He stutters a bit Wich was odd but I just ignored it while he opend his present. His smile grew even widest when he saw what it was and he hugged me straight away.

Adrien:"Thanks so much Mari!"

Marinett:"Autome is coming so I couldent let your head freez"

Nino:"Ya, if that ever happens your dad is gonna flip"

Adrien looked at the scarf more then his expression changed to shock

Adrien:"Hey Mari.......you made this right?"

Marinett:"Ya....do you like it? Is something wrong?"

Adrien:"N-No......it's just..."

He bent down to his book bag and pulled out the scarf I made him last year. Oh shoot! He examine it a bit and looked back to me a expression of hurt

Adrien:"Was it you who made the scarf?"

Alyas face morfed to one of shock aswell so did Nino. Alay came and stood beside me. I hated that expression on his face, was he mad I had lied

Alya:"Yes she did but don't get mad at her"

Adrien:"Mad! Why would I be mad at Marinett!?"

Relive washed over mine and Alyas face

Adrien:"Why didn't you tell me?!"

Marinett:"You looked so happy when you thought it was from your father, I didnet want to ruin that for you..."

Before I knew it, I was engulfed into a hug by Adrien. When he relaced me he had a upset expression on his face

Adrien:"Thanks alot Marinett, but you should have told me"

Marinett:"I know I just dident want to see you sad"

Adrien:"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. It's my idiotic father's fault. I'll have a talk with him today. Thank you so much Marinett, you really are amazing"

I felt a blush rise to my cheeks and smilled at him. The bell rang and we all walked to class

Adrien pov

I didn't know what to think. Happy? Sad? Angry?.....ya maby angry. How could my father lie!? Why would he lie!? Damit! I felt so betrayed, I thought he actually cared, I thought he actually remberd.......I thought he got me a actuall gift not just some lame old pen like he had been doing for the past 3 years. Come to think about it........did he wish me a happy birthday? Nathalie did.....but he didn't. I just assumed he was out buying a gift......wow......I'm stupid. I sat down and looked at the teacher with a fake smile as she wished me a happy birthday. Through out the day everyone paid special attention to me. I got a few gifts and was extremely greatfull for all of them. I thought to Marinett and it hit just how kind she was. She took the time to make a gift and then she lets me think it was from my father just to make me happy. I owe her so much. I can't believe how kind she is and how thoughfull. With the thought in my head I smilled.....a real smile thou. The thought of her warmed my heart. We talked all day and at the end they invited me for ice-cream.

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