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Marinett POV

I felt like slapping his father, was that really how he treated his son!? He was so amazing and sweet, but he gets treated like this! He looked so upset when he came here, it did warm my heart that he came here thou. I liked that he knew he could always come here. We were still hugging then he yawned. I guessed he was still tired

Marinett:"Want to take a cat nap?"

I felt his head nodd. I was about to get up when his head flopped down on my knees. I groaned

Marinett:"Cat! I need to do work"

Cat noir:"Nooooooo"


Cat noir:"No"

He only snuggled closer to me, I sighed and just gave in. There was no way he was moving. I put my hand on his head and began to scratch behinde his cat ear. He seemed to like that because he actually started to purr!!! It was a rumbling sound coming from his throat, he must have not been aware of it because he gave no idication that he was. Then his tail went into the air and started to come towards me. It latched onto my arm and held me tightly, as if calming me as his. I didn't really mind

I decided to teas him a little

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I decided to teas him a little

Marinett:"Hey kitty?"

Cat noir:"Hm?"

Marinett:"I dident know you could purr~"

His eyes shot open and he lifted his head to me. His whole face had gone completely red. I giggled at his red face

Cat noir:"N-No I don't!"

Marinett:"Ya you do"

Cat noir:"I don-STOP!"

I had put my hand behinde his cat ear and began screatching again. His ear twitched  and his tail wacked back and forth in irretation but making no effort to stop me. I could see he was really trying hard to stop the noise that was surely trying to escape his throat. I took my other hand and began stroaking his head while scratching. That seemed  to be the end of him trying and the noise came back again and this time as loud as a tractor. His cheeks get even more red and he closed his eyes in pleasure

Marinett:"See, you can purr"

Cat noir:"I'm so embarrassed..."

Marinett:"Awwwwww why kitty?"

Cat noir:"I'm a human being and yet I can purr just like a cat"

Marinett:"Awwwwww I think it's cute~"

Cat noir:"You mean weird"

He head his head on my legs, the noise still being produced. The tips of his real ears had gone red to. I giggedl even more

Marinett:"I think it's cute"

Cat noir:"Just like you"

My cheeks went red. He looked up and smirked at me

Marinett:"Don't even try it kitty, or I'll stop scratching"

I lifted my hand from his head and he made a whiney sound. I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean to make the sound because he clamped his hand over his mouth in a shocked manner

Marinett:"hehehehhhhe awwwwwwwws ssoooooo cute!~"

Cat noir:"Just end my misery"


Cat noir:"Pleas!"

Marinett:"Nope, now you better take that cat nap. I have to do homework soon"

Cat noir:"Okay..."

He placed his head back on my legs and closed his eyes, I began scratching his head again and of corse the noise started again. His breathing became regular and soon he was asleep. Poor kitty must have been exhausted. Tikki flew out of her hiding spot and sat on my shoulder

Tikki:"Poor cat noir, he looks tired"

Marinett:"Ya, Tikki did you know he could purr?"

Tikki gave me a sly look

Tikki:"Well ya, most of his cat qualities are from plagg. His kwami is a mischievous little devil. I almost feel sorry for him"

Marinett:"What's he like?"

Tikki:"Well he is the god of destruction so he's a devil, mischievous, annoying, selfish, a gluton, self centred and more"

Marinette:"Wow, total opposite of you. Then why is he a kwami if he's all that?"

Tikki:"Well you see he has his moments. Deep down he really cares, he just hides it. Plagg doesn't like to deal with his emotions so he either destroys them or bottles them up until he has his break down. I rember one centri he had his break down when his Cat noir passed. He cried so hard and destroyed so much. He was out of controll! It took all of us kwwmis to calm him down then he just shut down"

Marinette:"Really.....then what happend?"

Tikki:"It took a long time for him to become his uasll self but he did. Plagg may be annoying and selfish but he does care. I think it was his idea for Cat noir to come here. He really cares for this one I can see that much"

I looked down at Cat with a soft smile. Tikki did the same but then a horibal thought came into my mind

Marinette:"Do you think....that what happend to Plagg could happen to Cat noir?"

Tikki put a hand to her small chin and somely nodded

Tikki:"I think Cat noir does the same thing plagg does and that is ignore their emotions and put on a mask. A mask of happiness. I think Cat noir is ignoring his emotions or trying to get rid of them"

Marinette:"Do you think he could have a break down?"

Tikki:"Everyone can, some worse than others"

I looked at my kitty camly sleeping, he looked so happy but was that really what he felt. What if he broke down and it would be my fault. I couldn't live with myself if that happen!

Tikki:"Don't worry Marinette, he knows that he can always come to you for help. That is important. And it's not all on you to make him happy. His father plays a big role. He said you make him happy"

Marinette:"Y-Ya I guess, I just don't ever want him to be sad. I wish I could take all his pain away"

Tikki:"Ohhhhhh Marinette, you have such a kind heart. Your an amazing ladybug and an amazing friend!"

She flew up to my cheek and gave it a squeeze. I giggled and felt Cat shift under me. Tikki flew behind my loos hair making sure he wouldn't see her if he woke up. But luckily he doesn't wake up, just shifted positions in his sleep. He began to kneed the pillow uncounciosely in his sleep. He looked so cute. I bent down and placed a small kiss on the top of his head

Marinette:"I will always be here for you, always

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