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"What's wrong kitty?" Marinett MY GIRLFRIEND asked. I was sitting by her windwo looking over Paris. I could feel something was off, something just wasn't right and my gut had never been wrong. I had my knees up to my chest and one hand rested on them while the other fell loosely towards the ground. Why did I feel like something was going to happen and it was going to end badly? I didn't like it. It felt.....weird

"Nothing princess" I played it off as if nothing was wrong. I was peering outside to not see her changing, to her request. I felt two arms come from behind and wrap loosely around my neck heading to my chest. Her hands connected and she placed her head in the crook of my neck, her hair tickling my nose and cheek "Don't lie to me kitty. I know something's up" She said "How?" I asked

"You seem so tence. Your always like this when your upset" She said as if it was the most obvious thing on earth. I sighed and lent my head on top of hers "I don't know darling. Something just feels off" I said. "What do you mean?" She asked. I closed my eyes and tried to consintrate on the off feeling but it just felt to big for me to comphreind. "I don't know, something just feels weird. Like something's coming" I said. She moved back a little much to my displeasure "Like a storm?" "Maby....but the skys clear"

All of a sudden the feeling grew. Something was definitely worng, or something was definitely coming. I lifted my hands to Marinett and cluched at hers. I didn't want to scare her but something was wrong. I needed to speak with Ladybug. "Princess, something isent right. I feel like something bad is coming" I could see panick flash through her eyes and felt her stiffen in my hands. Shoot. She moved from behind me to face me, still holding my hands "L-Like what?" She asked a little hesitantly. I gave her my most reasuring look and said "Don't worry Marinett. Its probelly just another Akuma, that's all. Still I think I should talk to Ladybug. Just to be safe" I said with a reasuring smile. She returned my smile with one of her own

She reached out with her hand and cupped my cheek mutch to my suprise. I sighed and leant into it, feeling at peace "You've been stressed lately. How come?" She asked, her voice filled with conseran. I sighed and opend up my sleepy eyes "When I went to my father's house...I felt a horibal negative emotion. I don't know if it was coming off of him or what, but it was very unsettling" I said. I could see in her eyes she was worried for me and that made me feel good and bad at the same time. Bad for making her worry and good knowing she cared. "Hmmmm that doesn't sound to good. But it's to late to go jumping around Paris" She said. She was always the resionibal one of us.

I sighed and nodded, leaning into her touch. She smelled like violets, the perfume she put on for our date a hour ago. My heart fluttered at the meer thought of it. How butifulle she was. How we threw the key into the water, never to be seen again. It was a night to rember. Then my father's words came back to me "never come back"

It played over and over and I couldn't get it out of my head. What was so wrong with me that it lead to this. What had even happend to provoke this. Sure I lit the bomb but what had lead him to be so....cold. sure mother's death hurt alot of people but was it that bad to make my father act like that. I didn't know

"Kitty? You okay?" I lifted my head to gaze into Marinetts soft, sweet tender eyes. I nodded into her neck and breathed out a sigh. I felt her move and lift me to my feet. We walked past her chesies/my bed for some reason

"Princess, my bed is back there" I said. She still held my hands as she led me to her bed. Plagg was fast asleep on my pillow, snoring lazily. We crept up the lader and crawled under the covers. They were cold but I knew they would soon heat up. I laid my head down on the pillow and felt the heavy covers being dragged up from my hips to my shoulders. Marinett laid down next to me, our heads at the same level and gave me a shy grin. Her cheeks were coated with a blush and I could hear a faint thump sound. I felt something press against my waist and pull me closer to Marinett who was still sporting a shy grin. I smilled to myslef, but I couldn't think why she was shy. We had cuddeld before. What was so different? I chuckled and snaked my arms to her waist pulling her close to my chest. There was a small squeck from the girl making my heart soar

I felt her other hand go to my chest and she hesintaly placed it on my chest. She could probelly feel my heartbeat but I could bring myslef to care. She was to cute. "Why so shy princess?" I ask in my most flirty tone. Her eyes widdend and her cheeks go beetroot red. I couldn't help but laughf, Wich only made things worse because she moved a little away from me "Oh no. Your not going anyway" I said playfully as I pulled her back to my chest. She didn't seem to mind because she didn't put up a fight. I herd a content sigh leave her lips and I couldn't help but smile. This was heaven. All of the hardship with my father was worth it. This was nice

"I love you" I said. I herd a small gasp but then a light chuckle. Marinetts head popped out from the covers and gave me a bright smile that could rival the sun. "I love you to silly kitty" She giggeld and gave my lips a quick peck. And with that she snuggled closer to me and her breathing eavend out. 'This was perrrrfect' I thought. I soon fell into the same from as my princess. The from of dreams and no nightmare. Tonight was amazing

Somewhere in Paris

A little boy was lying on his bed. Cold sweat running down his face and onto his sheets. The little boy wimperd as his hands clushed at his blanket, trying to claw at grass to save him from the ever growing fear that he was experiencing. The boy shit up, tears stained his cheeks as he breathed heavily. The little boy looked at his hands and all he could see was the blood from his dreams. His choaked sobs rang throughout the empty house as he curled into a small ball. Little did he knew was that a evil purple butterfly was flying into his ring, the very one his father gave him before he died

"Hello bloody nightmare. I am hawkmoth. I can give you the power to make everyone feel the same pain as you but in return you must bring me Ladybugs and Chat noirs miraclous. Do we have a deal?" The man asked

The boy smilled a evil grin

"Yes hawkmoth"

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