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I woke up to find no light, not a bit. I groaned and rolled over to look at the alarm clock, it read 4 "great" I yawned and looked to my left to see my darling princess. She had rolled off me in the night/morning and was sleeping peacefully. She had a small bit of drool in the corner of her lip and her loos was all tangled, even so she still looked butifulle to me, just like a princess. I brushed back a bit of her hair and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I sat up and streched, my arms reaching for the cealing, a old habit of mine. Them my stomach groweld "oh ya....diets suck" I groaned as my stomach continued to growel, it was starting to hurt but that was normal. I hated that theses stomach pains were just apart of my life, I should atleast have a say in what I do with my body right? It was stupid, I thought it was pretty clear that i dident need one, I was thin engouf. Not for him... I knew that there were some left over cookies but they were downstairs. I dident want to take food from them would probably be the most filling thing I got that day. My hunger won and I sighed. I got up carefully not to disturb Marinett and walked to the trap door. I felt Felix rub against my leg and I smilled

Cat noir:"Coming with me?"

He purred and I took that as a yes. I walked down and closed the trap door quitely. I was surprised to see Sabine already there drinking coffee already. She looked at me surprised aswell

Sabine:"Oh Cat noir I didn't know you were here"

Cat noir:"Sorry, we were watching a movie and then the storm hit. Marinett dident want me to go out in it incase I get sick or slip and fall. Sorry to spend the night without your permission"

Sabine:"Oh its okay dear, I'm not upset. Would you like some coffee?"

I gave a nod. Father hated it when I had the stuff but I really was in need of it if I was going to survive. I probelly got 3 hours of sleep and even thou it was a saterday I would be working all day to save the fashion line I was scolded about earlier. She stood up and went to make me some while I sat down on the seat opposite her

Cat noir:"If you don't mind me asking, why are you up so early?"

Sabine:"Oh that's the life of a baker, up early and down late"

Cat noir:"Heheheh looks like we can relate"

She smilled and handed me my cup, funny thing was that it was the cup Marinett had bought me because I came over so often. A smile crept over her face and she gave me a wink. Just then Tom came up and looked equally surprised to see me also a bit sceptical

Tom:"Good morning Cat noir"

Cat noir:"Morning sir"

Time:"Why are you here so early?"

Cat noir:"When I was here last night a storm hit. Marinett dident want me out in it so she made me stay, Sorry"

He gave a Harty smile and clapped my back

Tom:"No worries, we herd the storm. Wouldn't want you out in it either"

I was about to speak but just then Felix jumped up on the counter and head butted me in the face. I chuckeld and brought the teenage cat on my lap

Sabine:"Was it you who brought him here?"

Cat noir:"Ya. I wasn't planning on him staying here I just knew you had ovens for the bread and I had no idea how long he was out there. He was shivering badly so I thought about the ovens and ya..."

Tom:"So that's how Marinett got him, and I suppose you've been the food provider"

Cat noir:"That's meow"

Tom:"Now here's a boy with a sence of humor!"

He put a hand on my shoulder, the gesture was nothing knew but with my father it was always a act to stop me from moving or doing what I want.....

Sabine:"Well I am not a lover of puns"

Cat noir:"Marinett must take after you then, she hits me on the head every time"

Tom:"Well we must stand up for ourself, if we don't who will?"

Cat noir:"Agreed"

Sabine:"Oh Tom you are impossible"

Cat noir:"Don't you mean im-paw-sible"

Tom began to laughf while Sabine chukeld. Felix jumped out of my lap and strided over to Sabine looking for a back scratch, well he got one

Sabine:"Was it you who thought of the name Felix?"

Cat noir:"Ya, the name just suits him"

Tom:"He's quite smart, I sometimes feel like he's actually awnsering me when I talk to him"

I eyed Felix out and he did the same. I herd Tom and Sabine laugh and felt the heat rush to my cheeks

Cat noir:"Heheheh must be a cat thing?"

After a few minnets of talking I remberd the night Mare Marinette had

Cat noir:"Hey is Marinett prone to having horibal nightmares?"

They both looked at me confused but shook their heads

Cat noir:"I woke up at bout 1 to find her crying in her sleep. I woke her up and she began sobbing, but she wouldn't tell me what she saw. I was juts wondering if this was normal"

Both of them glanced between echother and shrugged

Sabine:"I'm sure its nothing to worry about dear, it must have juts been a really bad one. She dosent often have them thou"

Cat noir:"Oh..."

I finished my coffee and said good bye to the due-peng-cheng cople, I said I had left something upstairs and that I would just leave through the skylight. Sabine smirked while Tom just nodded. We said good bye and I walked upstairs to where my princess slept, she looked so beautiful. I noticed that she had moved around and that the blankets were no longer covering her. She was wearing a tank top and short pajama pants, Damm she was cute and hot. I blushed as I pulled the covers over her more, she gave a small smile as the warmth returned to her, so Damm cute. I took a price of sticky tape, a pen and a note and scribbled on it. I stuck my note on her wall and gave her one finall look before I left. I landed in my room and a whiney kwami appeared out of my ring

Plagg:"I'm hhhhuuunnngery!!!!"

Adrien:"Sorry bud, I diden't mean to be transformed for that long. The cambert is in there"

I pointed to a cannot where some cheese had been going off, his eyes brightens up and he dashed over to it and began munching. He was such a pig but I was so greatfull that he was actually letting me visit her when ever I wanted! I gave him a scratch under the chin Wich I knew he liked and sat down. It was time for work and I wasn't looking forward to it but I was a robot right? They didn't complain; they didn't need rest; they dident I really was a robot but no matter, even thou I barely slept I felt awake and full of energy....that was the best sleep I had had in years!

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