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Marinett pov

I couldn't get what just happened out of my head! What did happen!? I mean I liked it, his hands on my chin and my hand in his hair but of course I chickens out and said "let's play Vidoe games" like a idiot! He must think I'm stupid, UGHHHHHHH so akword! Thoughts about what just happened kept circuling in my head about what happend and I guess I was so distracted that I dident notice my health bar was very low

Cat noir:"YES!"

The sudden noise surprised me and I fell out of my chair. I pulled myslef up to see "Cat noir wins!" On the screen

Cat noir:"I won!"

Marinett:"I-I was distracted!!"

Cat noir:"By what, me?"

He put on a flirty smile and flexed a bit, gosh damit that stupid cat! I hit his arm and fell back on the chair pouting

Cat noir:"Let it be known that I have won. I'm gonna write it down. Cat noir 1 princess 436"

I giggled and hit his arm again playfull. We laughfed for a bit then it seemed he got a idea and had a smirk on his face

Cat noir:"Dosent your knight deserve a kiss for his first winning?"

My heart raced but he was just joking, I wish he wasn't. I would gladly kiss him again. Ya dark Cupid and oblivo count I guess, even thou he doesn't rember either

Marinett:"In your dreams"

Cat noir:"Uggggg fine, how about a game then?"

Now I was curious

Marinett:"What game?"

Cat noir:"I was thinking of truth or dare but you can't realllly do that with only two people so how about a game of 20 questions?"

I tapped my chin. This could be fun but what about his identity?

Marinett:"What about your identity?"

Cat noir:"Weel just leave out names, I mean as long as you don't ask to many personal questions i see no harm. C'mon pleeeeas!"

I rolled my eyes but nodded. He beamed at me, gosh that smile was lovely

Cat noir:"Princesses first"

I rolled my eyes but thought for a bit chewing on my lower lip.

Marinett:"Hmmm.....favorites colour?"

Cat noir:"Green. My turn. Favorite animal?"

Marinett:"Hamster! There just so cute!"

He scoweld at me

Cat noir:"I am offended! How dare you!"

Marinett:"Whatever. Favorite food?"

Cat noir:"CROSOINTS! Favorite movie?"


Cat noir:"Really......don't you think it's a bit overrated?"


Cat noir:"Fine"

I decided to get a little more personal

Marinett:"Okay.....have you ever had a girlfriend?"

The question seemed to catch him off guard because this eyes went small

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