thirty one

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HER MATH TEACHER SLID A PAPER DOWNWARD on Dylan's desk. After he did so, the bell rang, releasing her from class. Her classmates piled out but Dylan hesitantly flipped over her test. She was hoping for a good mark, anxious that it wasn't. Written in blue ink was an A.

The back of his head was all she needed to see to know it was Steve and she chased him down the fluorescent hallway. "Steve!" She called and he turned but not in time to stop her from jumping on his back. He stumbled forward but quickly caught her weight.

"Hey! What's got you all riled up huh?"

She held the test out in front of his face. "See that blue circle? What's inside of it?"

Steve's brows furrowed and he scanned the paper before him. "An A? An A!"

Steve leaned back and kissed her on the cheek. Dylan shoved her test under her armpit for safe keeping. "That's great, babe."

"I guess we can officially say I'm the smart one in this relationship."

"Well, if you remember yesterday you were making popcorn and Tina called," she felt his laugh against her chest. Dylan groaned, already anticipating the story he was about to tell. "You went into the living room and eventually a fire started on the stove—and who had to put it out?"

"You," she said begrudgingly.

"And why's that?"

"I didn't know how to use a fire extinguisher." His fingers ran up her leg, tickling her thigh. She squealed and slid down his back.

"So, I wouldn't get cocky yet. What did Marsha think of that anyway?"

"Marsha was pissed," Dylan chuckled along with him as she remembered her mother's face as she stepped into the kitchen seeing Steve and Dylan attempting to clean up all the foam. Her mother forced a smile upon her face in front of Steve but after he left, Dylan received a scathing berating. "She couldn't clean up the mess. She took my birthday money to buy a new oven."

"That blows," he said, "I bet I can take your mind off your current lack of funds. It's last period, I know you have a free period, I have P.E.—let's go make-out in my car."

She laughed. He didn't. Steve raised a brow and looked towards the door, completely serious in his suggestion. Dylan couldn't say no, nor did she want to.

"I'll meet you out there in five," he smirked in response. "I just have to grab the rest of my stuff from my locker."

Stuck to the off-blue metal of her locker was a note, Dylan read it quickly and peeled it off, realizing it had been propped there with gum. She sighed and crumpled the paper. She was irritated by not surprised by Billy's audacity. The girl to Dylan's left shut her locker door and looked over, she eyed the paper. "Looks like someone has an admirer," the girl gave Dylan a sheepish look. "I read it earlier. It was pretty vulgar. I liked the touch of the used gum."

Dylan grinned at the unknown classmate. She'd seen her around before, even at their lockers, but they had never spoken. "Yeah, I have to say while annoying, I have to give it to him for being so on brand."

"Dylan, you are one sexy broad and I know you can't hold out for—"

Dylan cut her off. "Alright, that's enough...?"

"Robin," she introduced herself.

"You're funny, Robin." Dylan looked over the girl's shoulder, aimed, and tossed the piece of crumpled paper in the garbage bin. It rolled around the rim before finally falling to its fate. "See you around."

Dylan quickly grabbed what she needed from her locker and ran down the near empty hallway. "Yeah. See you around!"

Steve's car had already moved from his usual, reserved spot in the front of the lot to a more discrete placement near the back. Dylan weaves through the cars, opening the back passenger door with excitement. Steve greeted her with a goofy grin and crawled over the seats to end up next to her.

"Hello, there." He said, keeping the goofy look on his face and leaning into her.

Dylan laughed, shoving him away. "Don't be weird."

"Fine. Be boring."

She opened her mouth to scold him but Steve wrapped his arms her tightly and pressed his forehead against hers. His hot breathe hit her face and Dylan was unable to stop the shiver that went through her spine; Steve laughed as she jumped. He kissed her lightly first but their embrace accelerated quickly and heavily. Dylan's hands knotted in his hair, mussing his perfect coif but he was too enthralled in the moment to care. Kissing, making out, sex—was always a power move to her or a release from sort of hectic event in her life. But with Steve, there were no manipulations or alternative motives when they were together. There wasn't any other anxieties or obtrusive thoughts. Just her and Steve. They leaned into each other, pulled back to breathe, and fell into each other again and again as the windows of Steve's BMW began to steam up.

But their moment was short-lived and a knock on the glass broke them apart. Steve groaned and looked up, wiping the steam of the window with his sleeve. On the other side stood Dustin with a wide smile and a awkward wave. Dylan halfheartedly waved back, disappointed by the interruption.

"Hi!" Dustin said, his voice getting muffled by the car exterior.

"Were you expecting him?" Dylan whispered.

Steve nodded, his head in his hands. "I forgot. I asked him to meet her to help me rewrite my college essay."

Dylan paused. She glanced at the boy behind the window. "You asked a thirteen year old to help write your college essay?"

"He may be thirteen but his IQ is insane, Dyl, I'm serious."

Dylan looked at him with bewilderment that she couldn't have hid if she wanted to. "I thought you were asking Jonathan?"

Steve let out a breath. "I thought it might be awkward?"

"Steve! This is important!"

"Still out here!" Dustin yelled over their conversation. "In the freezing cold!"

Dylan sighed and flung open the door. "Get in."

Dustin slid into the backseat, eager to get out from the cold. Dylan and Steve got out and returned to the front seats, Dylan passing Steve a dirty look across the top of the car. 'Ask Jonathan,' she mouthed. Steve shook his head and got into the car. Dylan rolled her eyes and followed suit.

"Would you drop me home?" Dylan caught Dustin's disappointment in the mirror and hid a smile. "I've got work to do. And I'm going to call Jonathan."

"Don't you dare!" Steve protested. Dylan shrugged.

"What do you think, Dustin? Who's more capable of writing a college essay—you or Byers?" Dylan turned around to look at the boy; Steve glanced at him in the rearview.

Dustin chewed on his lip, eyeing Steve sympathetically, but there was only so long he could hold back his teasing grin. "Uh, sorry, Steve—I'm smart and all, but you should probably ask Jonathan."

Dylan clapped her hands. "Exactly!"

"You two are wrong, Dustin and I will just be fine!" Steve pulled up to the Holland residence. Dylan got out quickly but not before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Goodbye! Love you!" She told him, walking backwards to her doorstep, and waving frantically. "I'm calling Byers."

"I love you too!" He shouted after her. "Please don't! It's emasculating!"

Dylan chuckled at his unwavering protest and shook her head. She could see his megawatt smile even as she stepped into the house.

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