forty one

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"I THINK YOU KIDS ARE BAD LUCK." Dylan said. "I don't think I want to hang out with you anymore."

They stood in front of Heather Holloway's house, ringing the bell. Dylan waited more anxiously than the others, Heather was actually her friend, and everything was starting to add up: Billy's odd behaviour, her absence. But didn't want this to be the conclusion. She wanted Heather to be okay.

When the third ring went unanswered, they barged in. They weren't even past the porch when the stench of chemicals burned her nose. In the kitchen they found the source, piles of cleaning supplies poured out and mixed.

The house only got more eerie as they went further into the house, half eaten food and wine in the dining room, blood on the floor, and robes meant to restrain.

"They must have moved them somewhere."

Dylan was trying to remain objective and helpful but she was only thinking about where Heather was and if she was still alive. Things weren't looking good.

"There must be a source. Mrs. Driscoll kept saying she wanted to get back, get back to what?"

"A source. The place Billy didn't want me to see," said Eleven.

"Then we have to go there." Nancy stated. "Mrs. Driscoll will lead us."

Dylan sat in the hospital lobby, left alone with the kids again. She wished Dustin were there, at least he would talk to her, but all the kids were too wrapped up in their own drama to entertain her. She'd rather have done with Nancy and Jonathan but the hospital had a two visitor policy and since they were coupled up, they chose each other. That made her miss Steve. She wondered what he was doing—slinging ice cream? On a date with someone new? Both were equally as likely. Unfortunately. She wanted to call him so bad, even with the reoccurring threat of the Mind Flayer.

The lights flickered once and Dylan ignored it. But then it became constant which concerned her. Will stood, fear on his face as he watched the lights turn off and on. That said one thing to her: Will could feel it.

"He's here."

Dylan got up at that and they took off down the hall after Nancy and Jonathan.

Dylan stood out of breath from four flights of stairs as Eleven broke down the door with Nancy behind it. The Mind Flayer had taken on a new form, not human at all, but disgusting and disturbing. Eleven flung it through the window and Jonathan and Dylan ran to Nancy, who was laying on the ground.

Jonathan propped her face in his arms, frantically asking if she was alright. Dylan knelt beside her and brushed the goop on her face into the sleeve of her hoodie the best she could.

"She's alright. Right, Nance?" Dylan answered for her. "Let's get the hell outta here, huh?"

Nancy nodded. Dylan extended a hand, Jonathan extended another and they both brought Nancy to her feet and didn't let go until she stabilized herself.

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