S4 E11- Girl Meets Date

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"Hey Riles!" I say with enthusiasm when I climb through her bay window
"Hi Peaches" she hugs me tightly
"You look happy today" I smile
"Yeah, I've been feeling better lately"
"So, are you over Lucas?" my smile falls and I sigh
"No. I feel like I'll never be over him. He was very important to me. But I guess that I'm accepting the fact that he's gone and slowly learning how to be happy without him. I mean, I used to be happy before I met him, right?"
"Well, let's push aside your daddy issues" I nod
"And mommy issues" I add
"But yeah. You were pretty cheerful at times" we lock arms
"Elliot is waiting for us in the car"
"Shall we go then, madame?" I ask in a British accent
"Absolutely" we get out of the building and inside the car.
"Hey, El!" I greet him but he doesn't reply. He just looks at his phone with a frown
"What'cha readin'?" I grab his phone and start reading the text messages
"Hey! Give it back!" I shush him and keep reading. It's Josh. He says he got too tired of his roommate and that he's moving in with the Matthews.
"Is this true?" I ask in disbelief
"What are you talking about?"
"Riles, your uncle Josh is coming back to live with you guys" her eyes widen
"Oh, great! You just ruined the surprise, Maya!"
"Does Matthews know about this?" he nods
"Yeah. He just wanted it to be a surprise"
"Sorry" he rolls his eyes
"Can I have my phone back now?"
"Sure" I give it back to him and he starts driving
"You know, today you look...less sad" I softly laugh
"Well, thank you"
"I'm happy for you"
"Really?" he sighs in relief
"Yeah. I won't have to watch over you anymore just in case you make another bad choice. 'Cause you won't make anymore of those, right?" I nod
"Yeah, don't worry. I'm gonna be a good child from now on. I'll even help you at Topanga's today"
"Thank you, but your mom and I have got this"
"Hasn't your mom told you?"
"Told me what?" I smile widely
"Mom yesterday felt one of the twins kick for the first time and today she booked an appointment" Riley hugs me and I obviously hug her back
"That's awesome, Peaches!"
"It really is, Maya"
"Yeah, so today I'm gonna replace her. Hope that isn't a problem with you"
"As long as you don't break any of the rules and start being rude to the costumers then no"
"Great!" he parks the car
"We're here. Who's ready for another day of school?"
"Not-" I'm cut off by Riley
"Me!" I chuckle and get out of the car to find the rest of our company.
"Hey guys! How's it going?" Farkle keeps tapping his left foot on the ground, he seems tense.
"What's wrong?"
"I've heard that Harper has already graded our essays"
"What?" I start biting my nails and Smakle frowns at me
"Maya, what's wrong? You're basically her favorite"
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that she'll pass me! You know how I've been with studies and homework lately" I groan in frustration
"What did you talk about in your essay?" Elliot asks me
"We were supposed to write about the most influential moment in our lives"
"And what did you talk about?"
"Well, I wrote a few lines about my dad..." Zay smiles
"That's great! She's a sucker for sad stories!" Riley glares at him and he shuts up
"The point is that I started with dad, then I moved to the subject of people leaving and at the end I wrote at least two pages about the feelings of pain and anger"
"Well, that seems like a very confused essay" I groan
"I know! I just wanted to get over that fucking thing as soon as possible. I didn't care if I got an F, I was just too sad to even acknowledge it"  My best friend smiles warmly at me
"I'm sure you did great" the bell rings
"Well, I'll leave you guys to English. I need to go to History" Elliot waves at us
"Tell dad that he forgot his lunch!"
"Will do!" we all take a deep breath and go inside our class
"Hi guys! Great morning, isn't it?"
"Give us our essays back!" Farkle shouts
"Minkus, why so nervous?"
"Cause today I'm gonna get my A number 100 in this class!" she chuckles
"Sorry, but today's not the day" he does one of his usual faints.
"I was actually kinda disappointed when I read your essays. The majority of them really sucked, except for one" she starts handing them one by one
"I got a C?! I... click!"
"Babineaux..." he smiles widely
"Yes! I got a B+! Yes, yes, yes!"
"Minkus!" he wakes up but faints again when he sees the grade
"What'd he got?" Riley turns around to look at his paper
"He only got a C-. How could people worry about so much about their grades? They don't define them as persons" I raise my eyebrows
"You totally freaked out last year because of a D"
"It was a foreign language! I think I know pretty well my native language"
"Oh no..."
"What did you get?" she faints too and I look at her paper. She got an F?! Riley Matthews?!
"Maya, I'm proud of you" Harper gives me back my essay and I smile widely when I see the mark. A+, I didn't think it was possible to get this grade aside from Art class, this is awesome! She walks up in front of the class
"Wake up, kids!" Farkle, Riley and Smakle finally open their eyes
"I asked you to write about the most influential moment in your lives, I even gave you the opportunity to talk about more moments" Smakle protests
"That's what we did!" Harper shakes her head
"You wrote about it, yes. But you had to do more. You just wrote a page and called it a day. I wanted you to tell me the reasons why that moment was important to you. I wanted to know how you felt. A good writer always expresses itself with emotions. The only person who managed to make me feel something through their essay is Maya. She writes from a place a few of us are able to reach"
"Well, that's because she had an awful life!" I smile sarcastically at Riley's comment.
"I love it when I'm reminded!"
"I would read it to you all so that you can take notes but her essay was too long" I notice that her voice is starting to get shaky
"And I don't wanna cry for an hour straight again" she looks at Zay
"Babineaux, I think you have potential too" he looks around, pretty confused. He's definitely not used to be complimented by teachers. He then points at himself.
"Yes, you. Your essay was full of feelings too. It was just pretty confusing and chaotic. With a little bit of practice I'm sure you'll be the best" he smiles widely
"You think?" she nods as the bell rings.
"Yeah. Now go to your next class. I have a free period now and you can definitely say that I'm gonna go for a ride" the bell rings and we all go to the hallways
"How's it possible that I got an F in English?"
"I guess you are not very talented when it comes to speaking languages" Riley rolls her eyes
"Riles, I'm sure this was just bad luck. Next time you'll definitely get one of your usual good marks"
"Yeah, easy for you to talk. You got an A+!"
"Yeah, how's that possible?" I shrug
"I don't know. It just happened"
"Hi!" I hear a familiar voice say to us. Charlie?
"Hey" Riley replies
"Uhm...Can I talk to Maya for a moment?" Me? Why me?
"Uh...sure" he walks up to me
"Hey. I've heard about Lucas leaving and wanted to make sure you're okay. I know you were a couple and all that" I give him a sad but yet honest smile
"I won't lie to you. I was devastated but now I'm better" he smiles back
"Great. 'Cause I wanted to ask you out" everyone's jaws fall to the ground, including mine
"Wait, weren't you in love with me?" he chuckles at Riley's comment.
"Yeah, I had a crush on you. But during New Year's Eve I got to shake hands with Maya and I felt something, a connection I think, but I pushed it aside because we were dating. Then you dumped me so I thought that it was a good moment to give Maya a shot but I discovered that she had a thing with Lucas" he starts frowning
"I have no idea of what happened later but I guess that a triangle was going on? I don't know man, that was complicated" I slightly chuckle
"But I know that in the end Maya and Lucas ended up together so I stepped back because I couldn't interfere with her love life"
"Why ask her out now and not when Lucas left?"
"I'm not an insensitive animal. I've wanted to give her time to recover from her heartbreak and asked her if she was okay" he looks back at me
"So? Will go on a date with me?"

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