Chapter 14

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Mal's pov

It's been a week and 2 days since the situation and honestly I've been so sad. No one knows where I'm at but Jay and he promised not to tell. People have been coming looking for me but my dad would leave the dog by the front door so no one would come near. "Mal you have to go back today"my dad said. "No dad please"I said. "Mal you can't run away from all of your problems"I said. "I'm not running sad"I said. "you are Mal and plus you have school you don't have to talk to her but you're going"he said. "when did you start Caring about me or anything else"I mumbled but he heard me. "I'm not you're mom I'm your father and I'm meant to care Mal I love you and I want what's best but you can't hide forever"he said. I sighed knowing he was right. "fine I'm going but you're coming"I said. He groaned. "Ok I'll come"he said.

When we got back to Aurodon everyone seen us arrived. Great people lots of people just what I needed I thought. "Mal are you ok"Ben said walking up to me. "alright look Mal we might not get along but don't pull that again"Uma said. "Mal you're ok"Carlos said. "Mal"dizzy and Celia screamed. "I'm fine"I said walking away from then with my dad behind me. "Dad"I said . "HEYYYY"he screamed catching everyone's attention. "As you can see my daughter's not in the mood to talk so leave her alone or else"he said. I smiled at him then continued walking to my dorm. When we got there I stopped at the door. "Please stay for 2 more days"I said. "stay where Mal"he asked. "Go to Ben's office please dad"I said "alright I'll be there if you need me"he said. "Wish me luck"I said hugging him. I sighed before opening the door. When I opened it I seen Evie laying in her bed. She was awake. "Mal"she said jumping up. "Evie please don't speak to me"I said. "Mal please just hear me out"she said. "NO EVIE"I said. "Mal please"she said lowly with her voice cracking. I sighed and turned to her. "What"I said. "Mal first off I'm gonna apologize but Mal really I couldn't help it not matter how hard I try to fight the feelings away they won't go"she said. I sighed because I understood. "That's understandable"I mumbled. "He told me he overheard you and Uma talking about getting together"she said. "what"I said. "why would he say that Evie that's not true"I said walking up to her. "Is it Mal do you love me"she asked. "Evie of course I do how could you even ask me that"I said hurt. "Doug wouldn't lie to me Mal he never lies"she said. "so you're saying I would evie really"I said. "that's not what I'm saying"she said. "you know what go be with Doug since you trust him more than me"I said. "Mal that's not true"she said. I yanked my hands away from her. "GO"I said. "fine"she said with a tear rolling down her face then walked out. I jumped on my bed and start crying into my pillow. My life was really ruined. I heard the door room door open then I felt someone wrap there arms around me and I didn't know who it was and I didn't care. I cried for about a good thirty minutes then end up sleep.


I woke up in the same spot from yesterday but laying down and arms still wrapped around me. I turned around to see who it was then I seen it was Evie. I couldn't believe she stayed there with me all night. She opened her eyes then looked at me. We stared at each other and without any words being said she was forgiven I wrapped my arms around her hugging her and she hugged me back tighter. "I love you"she whispered with her soft voice in my ear. "I love you too E"I said crying.

Evie's pov

"Mal get up"I said for the 18th time. "nope I'm not going"she said. "Malificent Bertha Moors get up now"i said causing her to groan. She got up and dragged her feet out the bed. I sat down while she showered since we had to be at school and couldn't be late. I went over a few of my designs then she came out. "you look nice"I said smiling at her. "I feel tired"she said. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek. "it's okay"I said. "come on Evie"she said walking out the door.

"Ok so class today the partners will be

Harry& Carlos
Lonnie& Audrey
Evie& Doug
When he said that my heart dropped. Could anything get worser. I looked over to mal. "It's ok I trust you" she mouthed to me making me calm. When we all got with our groups I got to work right away. "you look nice today Evie"Doug said. "thank you"I said in my soft voice. "do you think I could take you out"he asked me making me sigh. I noticed Mal and Jay were looking at me. "Doug look you're a great person and I did love being in a relationship with me and yes you were my true love but I chose Mal. I know it's gonna be hard for you to expect but please respect it"I said looking at him. Jay whistled with his fingers and Carlos clapped. When I looked at mal she winked at me making me smirk. "Shall we work"I said looking down. "we shall"Doug said. I looked up to him "thanks"I said. "no problem Evie anything to keep you happy"he said. When lunchtime came I was at my locker but then someone closed. "Mal"I dragged realizing it was her. "you're so awesome Genevieve"she said kissing me. "we're in public"I said. "ok"she said making me smile. "come on"she said pulling me. "Where are we going"I said. "come see"she said...
(If anything doesn't make sense or spelled wrong sorry! I was half asleep writing this chapter I've just been very busy lately with school and alot of other things you know but see you next chapter!😉

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