•Chapter 2•

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Mark decided to privately contact Jack after he followed him on Twitter. He had gathered that Jack's accent suggested he was from Ireland. He decided not to wait for a reply since it was about 2 am in Ireland currently. 

M- Hello Jack. I'm Mark. I decided to watch some of your videos, and I've discovered that you seem pretty cool. Thought maybe we could chat sometime?

He messaged Jack then placed his phone on the table to continue editing. He was not expecting the buzz that followed immediately after. He figured it was a youtube notification but checked and Jack had replied. Wow, that was fast.

J- OMG hi Mark! I'm Sean! So good to meet you!! Thank you for enjoying and watching my videos. I discovered your channel just a few hours ago. I love your content! :)

M- Nice to meet you, Sean.

J- Yeah you too! I was thinkin' 'bout dying my hair like you. I was thinking maybe green would look good? I was hoping for your opinion though.

M- Sounds marvelous! I think green would really suit you.

J- Thanks.

We had some small talk for a good few minutes when Sean finally retired because it was getting late. It was only 4 pm for me so I stayed at my computer watching YouTube and scrolling social media. I left my bedroom for the first time in 3 days and walked into the kitchen for food. I patted my hair down and realized I looked like a scruff.

I grabbed some food out of the kitchen and fried myself up a grilled cheese with bits of bacon. I went into the living room and took a bite out of my sandwich before I realized Amy sat on the other sofa shooting me a death glare. I put my sandwich down and cocked my head at her curiously.

"Mark. We need to talk."


Back in Ireland... 

Sean finished texting Mark then turned his phone off. He got into his pajamas and crawled into bed. He had a huge grin, the same that a child has when he's won a prize at an arcade. Markiplier finally talked to me. He thought to himself. Why do I even care? He's just some celebrity. He is probably faking wanting to talk to me for more attention. Maybe I should ask him about it tomorrow. And with that, he fell asleep.

In Sean's dreams.

I'm surrounded by black, shadowy beings, all of which have no faces. No matter what I do, they laugh menacingly at me. I run, and I run, and I keep on running for what feels like hours until I suddenly trip on long lines of words. Comments. These were hate comments. Hate comments were stopping me from reaching my goal at the end of the path. I couldn't see my goal, nor did I know what it was, but I knew it was important.

I laughed away the mean comments and focused on shouting at them till they died away. I could feel myself smiling and grinning as the angry-looking shadows around me cower away. I ran through a labyrinth that looked like those puzzles on the back of cereal boxes. I climbed up the walls and ran over the top of the hedge maze. Nobody can stop me now, b*tches!

This is my world, my life, my rules. I skipped and frolicked along each wall until I saw my prize getting closer. I could see it now, I just couldn't understand it. I walked up to it as it sat down in a computer chair. It was a man. He had dark dark brown hair and a purple fringe. There was a subtle stubble on his strong jaw and he had deep hazel eyes. He was wearing a pair of glasses and chuckled with a deep booming voice. Then I woke up to my alarm beeping.

What the hell was that?

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