•Chapter 4•

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[Mark's POV]

After Sean responded to the number of subscribers he had gained, I realised how much he seemed to genuinely appreciate it. He seems like a very pure person, looking to entertain people, and so I think that because he gained more viewers, he feels he can entertain more people. He seems so wholesome. I feel a grin spread across my face. He said he was getting his hair done, so I decided to stay up later so I get to see a picture. I honestly think green would suit him. From his videos, I've learned he is very energetic, so I wonder if the green will enhance that? I dunno.

It was about 1 am and I received a twitter notification. I checked and it was a message from Sean: Sean sent a picture. I instantly clicked and was blown away. He looked amazing! He had fluffy-looking hair and there was lime green that was so bright that I didn't think it could get much brighter without hurting my eyes.

M- WOAH DUDE! That looks sick! 🔥

J- Haha thanks! I don't regret it one bit. Thanks for influencing me, Mark. 

M- Any time, Jack.

I was about to turn my phone off and go to sleep when an idea struck me.

M- Hey- What do you say about recording a video some time together? I think we have mostly joint viewers and they would enjoy it. I also think we have a similar-ish sense of humour, so what do you say?


[Sean's POV]

I was walking out of the hair salon place when I got a text from Mark offering to record a video together. I immediately agreed. Over the past few days that I've known of Mark's existence, I realise I've been getting gradually happier watching his videos, and my viewers seemed to think my content was getting better as well.

On my way to the bus stop, we exchanged contact details so we could skype each other and whatever else we needed. He told me he was heading to bed as it was late and we finished messaging. I spent the bus ride with my headphones in, listening to Linkin Park.

A few hours later...

"TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES!" I screamed into the mic louder than ever. I feel bad for my neighbours and basically every viewer ever.

"As you guys can see, I got me hair coloured! I had some advice from a friend of mine as to what colour to have. I hope you guys like it. Anyyywayysss. Enough about me, today we are going to be playing a game that I have been dying to play for a while now..." I spent about an hour recording some gameplay and edited it. Once I finished I grabbed some coffee and had a thought about what I could do this evening. Since I was usually ahead of schedule with videos, I decided I could have some 'me' time. I decided to visit a friend.

Knock knock.

"Oh hello, Sean! It feels like I haven't seen you in ages!!" Signe shouted gleefully in the doorway.

"Signee! Hi! And it's only been a few weeks, haha." I reply, returning the positive energy, and wrap my arms around her in a big squeezy hug.

"Please come on in. I'll make you a pot of coffee."


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