•Chapter 20•

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[A/N]: We made it! 20 chapters! Woo! Anyways, love you all, blah blah blah, on with the SEPTIPLIER! :D

[Sean's POV]

In the car home from Taco bell, Mark and I ate our meals. I absolutely loved mine, and after I'd finished (which was pretty quickly) Mark and I decided we'd play a game.

"Sooo what do you wanna play?" He asks, his eyes focused on the road.

"Hmm, how about 2 truths one lie?" I suggest, wiping sour cream off my cheek.

"Sounds good. It's a good test to see how well we know each other. Okay, you go first."

"Eh, I dunno? Uhhhh... I'm Irish, I'm madly in love annnnddd..... I dislike coffee."

"Well, that seems a bit obvious. You can't dislike coffee, that goes against your first point hahah."

"Okay, your go!" I yell excitedly.

"Okay... I can't drink alcohol, I dyed my hair because I wanted to, and I'm half Korean."

I stare at him for a few seconds in contemplation. I didn't really know what it was.

"Uhh, you can drink booze?" I guess. He shakes his head.

"I had a heart attack last time I drunk booze, so I can't have it much." I felt really upset for him. Booze is amazing, basically everything I am. Sugar, booze and internet flow through my veins.

"Wait, so you didn't want to dye your hair red?" I ask.

"Well- it's a bit complicated. I technically did, but it was a bit more for- hmm.. how do I explain this." He stares at the driver's wheel for a bit then speaks up.

"I did want to. I had a vision or a dream or something like that that we were sat all snuggled up on a sofa, your green hair clashing with my red hair, but I didn't have red hair. I decided to put my mind at ease and persuade myself that red hair was how I'd get to have that moment." He bites his lip, thinking hard.

"But it happened. That first night you came to my house, it happened. My dream became real, so real I nearly cried." He finishes.

"Mark- I- I had that same dream too. I'm so glad it came true." I exclaim excitedly. I'd never thought it would come true, but I guess more of my dreams came true than I could've imagined.


[Mark's POV]

I felt relieved that Sean had wanted this for as long as I have, and I eventually pull into our driveway. We throw our stuff in the trash then snuggle up on the couch together, his head buried into my shirt.

"You feel cold Seanie," I state, holding him close as he shivered. I felt him nod beneath me.

"I guess I am a bit nippy, as December is on its way." [Please overlook the fact that this is all chronologically out of order n stuff. Lol]

I quickly get up, ignoring the quizzical glance that Sean shot me. I opened a wooden basket in the corner of the room and pulled out a thick fleece. I wrap him up burrito-style in this blanket and snuggle up to him.

"Who's my wittle burrito?" I tease, nomming at his blanket playfully. I quickly give him a peck on the cheek and see his face blush cutely. I give him another, and another, until I'm smothering his face in tiny little kisses. I can hear his laughter and giggling as I play with him.

"S-Stopp!! Hahaha, stop ittt! That tickles!" He whines. I stop abruptly and sit on the sofa calmly, pretending nothing happened to anger him.

"W-Wait--- continue!! >~<" He whines again.

"Hmm, should I? I mean, you seemed pretty eager for me to stop." I smirk, glancing his direction. I see his petty little pout and his bright blue puppy dog eyes.

"Oh alright then." I sigh and resume tickling him.


[A/N] I'm so sorry about the short chapter and the fact I haven't published all weekend. I've come down with a sore ase of tonsillitis and can't work very well without being ill. I've also been really struggling for inspiration. Any ideas, just lemmi know. I could really use help round about now. Anyways, I love you guys so so so much! See you in the next chapter. xx

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