•Chapter 19•

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[Mark's POV]

Sean and I walked downstairs, our fingers locked together so tight that nothing could separate them. I take the occasional moment to stare at his features; he has beautiful blue eyes, vibrant green hair, a radiating smile that enthralled the whole room.

"Hey, guys," Tyler says, holding a phone and scrolling through it. I don't recognise it as his own, maybe he got a new one? When I checked, he actually was holding my phone. I felt around in my back pocket and boom, it was absent.

"Tyler, what are you doing on my phone?" I ask.

"Nothinnnn." He replies, still scrolling.

"Wait, how'd you get into my phone???" I say, realising he wasn't on my lock screen.

"Mark, your password is literally ilovesean123, anyone who sees the way you behave around him could guess that." Ethan chirps in.

When I looked at him, I could see Sean blush. I also see him open his mouth to ask a question but I mutter under my breath without even hearing the question.

"Four months Sean, four excruciating months is how long I waited for you," I mutter, just loud enough for him to hear. I see him smile and nod, clearly satisfying his question.

"Ah, sorry Mark. Thanks for letting us stay." Ethan and Tyler thank us as they leave. They had wanted to come to see us before they got their flight back to their home state. Today was the day their flight left.

"It was great seeing you two again, thanks! Bye!" I shout as they run for the cab. I had offered to drive them, but they said they would stay out of the way of Septiplier, whatever that was.

"Uhhh what's septiplier..." I ask Sean because I felt stupid. He gives a small laugh.

"Last night whilst you were showering, I heard them thinking of a ship name for us. They decided on septiplier. Guess those lunatics were right after all." He says, staring at our interlocked fingers.

"Haha, yeah. C'mon, let's go somewhere." I say, feeling that Sean may be a bit bored.

"Again??? We've hardly even been home!" He whines.

"Oh, I thought you'd want to go out. Being here is pretty boring..."


"THIS IS SO FUN!!" Sean shouts as a pillow slams me hard in the face. I take a step back from the weight of it and accidentally stumble over a pillow behind me, landing on a blanket. I laugh and beam happily at Sean. He was right, this is fun.

"Damn right!" I shout, throwing a septic sam plushie at Sean. He dodges it and scrambles across the living room to get it. A pillow fight in the living room seemed like a good idea, so why not. He returns it with twice the force but misses me. As I crawl to get it, he sprints across the pillows in the middle of the floor and grabs my ankle. I crawl backwards, trying to kick him off as I reached for the septic plushie. I fail.

The next thing I know, he's pinned me down and is reaching over me to grab the plushie. I turn the tables and rolls over him, so I'm on top and try to grab it. Just as I'm about to grab it, he speaks.

"Nice pecks bro." I hear a cheeky grin say from below me. I look down and that small distraction was enough for him to scramble far enough for him to grab the plushie.

"Dammit, McGlochlin." I scowl and try to reach for the plushie.

"Would you rather I were a Fishbach?" He chortles. I feel my brain go empty and the only thing circling my mind now is 'Sean Fishbach'. Does he want to marry me? No, not now Mark, you're in the middle of the most intense pillow fight in history, in fact, this was not a pillow fight, this was a pillow war. 

-Time skip-

An hour later, we lounged together in the massive pile of pillows. He was laying with his head on my stomach, and my hand was bristling gently through his soft hair.

"You're so beautiful... you know that right?" I say calmly, my voice nearly a whisper. He looked up into my eyes, his bright blue eyes happy as ever.

"Thanks Mark... I love you. It's weird, isn't it?"

"What's weird?" I ask curiously.

"Having a boyfriend." He mutters, softly sighing to himself.

"I suppose it is. I've never had one before, but I love you more than I think I've ever loved something."

"I've never had a boyfriend... or girlfriend." He mumbles quietly, seeming quite happy.

"Well, Sean, it's an honour to be your first."

"--And last." He finishes. I hope so.

"I love you, Sean. Wanna grab a Taco Bell later?"

"Mm," I can tell he agrees as he shuts his eyes and dozes off. He's so precious the way he sleeps.


[Sean's POV]

As I lay on Mark, I can't help but think about how perfect this is. I close my eyes and think about how handsome Mark is, how kindly he treats me, how I want this to last forever... But then it hits me like a thick ton of bricks. This can't last forever. I need to go back to Ireland at some point, I only came to help with Mark's depression. I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I stare up at the ceiling. All of this would go to waste.

"Baby? Baby, what's wrong?" Mark says, sitting up immediately when he sees the tear dripping from the bottom of my chin. He wipes it away with his thumb and pulls me up into a wonderful kiss. When I pulled away, a smile crept across my face, and Mark grinned in appreciation.

"Babe, it'll only get better. I promise. I love you." He says pulling me into a hug, my face firm against his chest.

"What... what if I go back home and don't come back? Mark-- I don't want to lose you." I say, nearly sobbing. He hugs me tighter and slowly pulls away, looking down at me.

"If you don't come back, I'll come to you. I promise. I'd swim the ocean to find you, Sean." He says comfortingly. It took all of my will power not to cry out more right there and then. I simply nodded and pushed my face into his shirt.

"Tacos?" He asks a small laugh echoing through the cosy room.

"Haha, yeah, I'd kill for some fuck'n taco's right now."


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