•Chapter 21•

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[Mark's POV]:

I was sat on my sofa in costume waiting for Sean. It was Halloween today, and everyone in our friend group would be here shortly in their costumes. We decided we'd have a house party with drinks and candy and video games. My costume's name was obviously so hard to pick, I was dressed as I character I'd later publicise to be 'Darkiplier.' I had dark eye make-up and a dark grey suit. What is Sean dressed as? He was taking so long up there.

I heard the soft patting of socks on the carpeted stairs, followed by a blood-curdling cackle.

"How do I look, Markie? You like me now?!" He howls with a demented, screeching voice.

He was constantly cocking his head and had the creepiest smile accompanied by a bloody slash across his neck. The dark studs in his ears matched the aesthetic of his black shirt, black ripped jeans and neon hair. He was also wearing one bright green contact lense.

"W-Woah... That's amazing Sean! I can't believe how cool it looks-" I start before I'm cut off by him.

"It's Anti tonight sweety~ no Sean, or Jack, only Anti. A̶n̶t̶i̶S̶e̶p̶t̶i̶c̶e̶y̶e̶" He scowls, licking his lips aggressively. I was honestly a bit scared but knew he was just playing around.

"Okay then, Antisepticeye, you must refer to me as Master Darkiplier." I grin, staring at him and standing from the sofa. I see his pale face flush a bit pink and his eye twitched.

"I will do no such thing." He replies cheekily, crossing his arms.

"Oh really? What about now?" I say, grabbing his arm, twisting it around his back and pinning him forward. I kicked him gently in the back of the knee and he fell to the floor with a grunt.

"Fine- Okay Master Darkiplier. Just be careful yeh don't smudge me make-up. It took me fer ferkin' ever to do." He mutters, getting up off the floor and falling into my chest. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Antisepticeye or not, I love you," I say.

"Master Dark, or master Mark, I love you either way." He reiterates, pulling my tie down and forcing my face onto his for a kiss. I grin and graciously return the kiss passionately. I love the taste of his beautiful lips, and how I could always taste coffee no matter what he drank or ate.

Knock knock knock

"Right on time!" I yell, pulling away from the hug. For a split second I could've sworn he looked heart-broken, but then he put on a menacing grin and raced upstairs, waiting for our visitors.

I open the door and I'm greeted by Tyler and Ethan. I welcomed them in.

"Hey, Mark! Love your outfit!!" Ethan squeaks then runs off to the kitchen with a bag full of what I would presume is candy.

"Hey, Tyler," I say. I stare his costume up and down a bit in amazement.

"Woah! You're dressed as a companion cube???" I say, realising the fabricky shape of a box around his torso.

He sighed.

"Ethan forced me to. He said that he wanted to be, but they didn't have any costumes in his size, so he forced me to buy one instead." Tyler grunts, nodding towards the kitchen.

Then there was another knock. I enthusiastically opened the door, expecting to see Mathias or Bob or Wade. Nope. Just a trick or treater.

"Trick or tr-" the kid shouts enthusiastically. He stopped mid-sentence and stared at me with wide eyes.

"ARE YOU MARKIPLIER?????" He practically squeals, staring at my face. I hear Tyler laugh. Then followed by the light patting of footsteps behind me. Suddenly, Sean was stood at my shoulder and staring at the kid.

"You okay Mark??? He didn't attack you did he? I heard a childish scream and assumed it was you." He asks.

"J-Jacksepticeye.... a- and Markiplier... and his friend Tyler... WOAH! I'm the luckiest person alive!!!" The kid squeals. He leaps at us and pulls both Sean and I into an enthusiastic hug. Sean giggles cheerfully and we pull away from the hug.

"If I give you some candy, promise not to tell anyone? Okay?" I say, crouching down to him. I didn't really want kids knowing my address, and especially not knowing that Sean and I were in a house together. He simply nods.

"Of course! I understand sir. I hope you have a nice Halloween!" The kid says politely then skips away. I'm glad I made a kid happy today.

"You think he'll tell?" Sean asks me, semi-worried.

"Of course he will, he's a kid. But I'm sure that if he does, his parents will give him a lesson in giving people some privacy." I reply calmly and walk over to the couch. I sit down and Tyler sits in the armchair beside me. Sean jumps onto the sofa and curls up to me a bit.

"So you two still a thing?" Tyler smirks casually.

"Well duh. It's only been about a month since you last came. I'm not that fickle." I say. Sean's face drops a bit.

"Wait... a MONTH??" He exclaims, an expression of utter horror consuming his already pale face. I nod slowly as if it were obvious.

"So we've been together for like a month? I was only expecting to stay a few weeks." Sean stutters. I see him fidget with his thumbs.

"I-I'm outstaying my stay, aren't I? You're probably only keeping me here to be polite. I- I can leave if you want-" Sean starts. He looks as if he's about to start crying, but I hug him close.

"This is your home now if you want it to be. You can always go back to Ireland whenever you like, but if you would rather stay here, I think I personally would like that. You seem to enjoy it here, and I like your company. Don't worry a bit about overstaying your welcome. You live here, dum dum." I state comfortingly. I like to use a calm and quiet tone when speaking to disrupted people because it tends to put them at ease.

"I- I love you, Mark. Thank you- for everything." He says, rubbing his eyes carefully. His one eye which was completely black and green looked so weird. It was horrifying and he looked like an actual demon. I was also wearing contacts, but that was only because my costume looked better without glasses and I needed to be able to actually see.

Ethan, Tyler, Sean and I talked for about half an hour until the door knocked again. It had knocked many times during in the evening, and it was always trick or treaters, but this one was more of a thudding? It sounded like someone was trying to break the door down by shoulder barging. I cautiously approached the front door and slowly opened it. What I saw horrified me so much I fell backwards.

There was a horse.


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