•Chapter 7•

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[Mark's POV]

"Hey, guys." I type into the group chat. I was surprised to see that they both replied instantly.

(Wade:) "Hey Mark"

(Bob:) "Waddup."

(Mark:) "I was wondering, do you guys wanna play a game tonight? I've found a few multiplayer games but don't really have anyone to play with."

B - Sure buddy. You pick the game.

W - Yeah. This going on youtube or not?

M - I wasn't thinking of doing that, but we can if you think it would get more viewers.

W - Great, what's your skype? Bob and I already have each other's.

We exchange details and in no time at all, we were all on call and deciding which games we could play on video and which we could play as friends. It was great! We played for about 2 hours before Wade's girlfriend Molly was rambling on about the washing machine being broken and he had to come off to check it out. Bob had some university studying to catch up on, so I decided I'd go make myself some dinner since it was already past 7 pm.

Some time later, I pulled a chicken breast out of the oven and served it on a plate with some parsnips, asparagus and dumplings. I then doused it in gravy. Delicious! I sat on my sofa and ate whilst looking on Netflix for something to watch. I settled on a horror, as I haven't watched one in a while. 

I remember why. Often, they look cheaply produced and tacky, something I could make in a garage, and then other times, they are actually terrifying. Needless to say, by the end of the film my face was pale as shit and my arms were trembling a bit. I shook away the artificial fear and walked into the kitchen to clean up.  I noticed it was starting to get dark and figured I should be heading to bed.

As I plopped my butt onto the edge of my bed, I heard my phone buzz. I checked and it was Youtube notification: JackSepticEye has posted. A grin raided my face as  I eagerly pressed the notification to watch his video. This would be the first video on his channel where he had green hair. I was ecstatic to see the results.

"Whapish! (slapping noises xD) TOP O' THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES!!! My name is Jacksepticeye, and any long-time viewers may have noticed I'm wearing my old Irish cap from a year or so ago. Well, lemme tell yeh somethin' about that." He screamed into the camera. I smiled even brighter. Was I the first person to see him green hair? I felt myself turn a bit red before shaking away the thought. No, he probably sent a picture to all of his friends and family.

He yanked the cap off his head to reveal a bright green bush of hair on the top of his head. He grinned cutely into the camera to show it off and brushed the hair out of his face. I will admit, as weird as it sounds coming from a straight guy, this little Irish leprechaun is cute as hell. I rolled my eyes mentally at my own nonsensical thoughts. He's just energetic, Mark. Calm down.

"Now, you may be thinking: Hey didn't that super amazingly cool and epic YouTuber Markiplier also dye his hair? Aren't you copying him?  Well, I have just one thing to say about that - Yes. Yes, I am. I'm copying the hell out of him, but whatever. I like it, and there's nothin' you guys can do to stop me!" He yells and finishes with a wink.

I feel myself flush as he mentions me as if I was on a pedestal. I simply smile. Heck it, nobody is here to see me, I can enjoy looking at this Irish weirdo as much as I like. The more I think about him and the more I look at him, the more I notice all of the little things. Such as the way his blue eyes sparkle when he's in deep concentration, or how he has a loud exasperating laugh. I also recognise that the hair coupled with his neon green hoodie makes him seem so much more energetic.

I turn off my phone once the video is over and get ready for bed, his giggle echoing through my mind.


[Sean's POV]

I sat bolt upright after I heard something outside. I thought I heard someone whispering my name, but when I got out of bed, I managed to figure out that I hadn't shut my bedroom window so the wind outside was creeping in. I fixed the issue then checked the time. Great, 6 am. I can't god damn sleep again or else I may oversleep. I decided to post a video I recorded yesterday explaining why I had green hair.

I checked the video again about an hour later, after I'd been on a walk, and saw that it had over 500k views. I was astounded; it was my most viewed video ever. I liked this. I really liked this actually. I'd made a new friend, Mark, and he was my first new friend in years. I'd become a new me, green hair, sometimes at the gym, and embracing my Irishness. I smiled inwardly, proud of how far I'd come since I started a few years ago.

Hungry, I headed downstairs to the kitchen to make myself some bacon on toast. My favourite! Though, I do wish it had more potato. ;) I finished munching on it then headed to Twitter to post a selfie with my new green hair. I got a fair few retweets and smiled to myself, seeing that Mark had liked my photo.

Sitting at my computer, I watch some YouTube and play some video games, waiting for Mark's name to appear online. For some reason, I always kept my eye on his name for the past few days, waiting for him to come online. I feel a warm sensation in my chest hearing his voice that I don't get from anything else, and I have no idea how to explain the feeling. When I hear him say my name, I feel the knot in my stomach loosen, feeling much happier and lighter.

It was about 4 pm when I next checked if Mark was online, and gathered he wouldn't be up since it was 8 am. I wish we didn't have such a large time gap. I decided to do something practical instead of sitting waiting for Mark all day.

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