•Chapter 6•

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[A/N]: Slight sexual scene towards the end.

[Mark's POV]

Ring ring. Ring ring.

"Hello?" I hear Sean say through the mic.

I take a quick second to look him over. I can see his fluffy lime-green locks which were swept back, his black and grey hoodie, his huge bright smile and the thing that stands out the most on his stubbled face. His eyes as bright as the ocean.

"Hey, Sean! It's so nice to get to speak to you face to face." I respond gleefully. I don't even try to hide my huge smile. I feel my hand rush to my forehead and sweep my hair away from my eyes.

"You too, Merk! Thanks fer thinkin of this. I can't wait teh record some gameplay together."

"Yeah same here. But, as much as I can't wait to record gameplay, does it all have to be on camera? I mean, you seem like you certainly know your way around gaming 'n' stuff, so maybe we could play together as.. y'know... friends?" I respond slightly hesitantly. I still don't know what this man is like, and whether he just wants to record with me to up his views. I know that I personally would love to be friends.

"R-Really?? Yeh wanna be friends?! That sounds awesome. I didn't think you'd really wanna hang out with an Irish dimwit like me. Aha!" He responds. I notice a bit of blush dusting across his nose and cheeks. He clearly wasn't expecting me to offer my friendship.

"Of course. Let's go play a game together." I say, beaming cheek to cheek. For some reason, looking at Sean with a huge smile and blushing makes me feel really warm inside. Warmer than I think I have ever been. I chuckle to myself and open steam. We spent the next 5 hours playing together. I find myself thinking sometimes that maybe I would spend eternity playing with Sean. There was never a moment on call when either of us was anything other than happy. Even when I raged at a combat game, Sean and I were still laughing our butts off at my childishness.

Sean retired to get some sleep as it was 1 am where he was, so I hung up and sat in my chair for a good 5 minutes mentally laughing at all of the funny and inappropriate jokes we made. I grinned and made a group chat with Bob and Wade.

"Hey, guys."


[Sean's POV]

I picked up the call and felt my heart race. He was so funny and entertaining to talk to. When I left the call 5 hours later, I deeply regretted it. I would have gladly talked to him forever but thought that maybe he was getting bored of me and just not telling me so I headed to bed. As I lay under my covers, I couldn't help but imagine Mark's deep voice and chiselled jaw. He had such marvellous hazel eyes. I mean- I can't feel anything for him, right? Surely it's natural for anyone to be enticed by his charming looks and hilarious personality, right?

[Slightly sexual content]:

I start to doze off when I start to imagine more and more of Mark. I thought about Mark regularly, but never anything other than thinking about our video together or how we could become friends. Now, however, I was starting to get more erotic thoughts. Thoughts of him pulling the neckline of his shirt down to reveal his muscular neck. For some reason, I want to move closer to him to kiss his neck. I step away, afraid of confrontation. Usually, I'm not so shy about these things, but it would probably be one of my first sexual encounters with a male. Well, I've never had any particularly sexual encounters with a girl either. I've hugged a girlfriend way back in Elementary, but that doesn't count I don't think.

I finally drift into sleep, my mind easing into a peaceful slumber.

Two bros and The InternetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora