Step Ten: Run From The Aliens

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I'm sick... :( So sorry i couldn't upload sooner!

Don't forget the song and picture ;) (Btw, the chick who sings that song plays Vee)



Was Max really going to leave? . . . I don't know.

Was I okay with that? . . . Definitely not.

Why? . . . Because I've fallen for him.

But you hardly know him? . . . Don't judge me.

You don't even know his real name, his race, or why he's being hunted by Martians. . . . His name is Max, he's an alien, and he's one of the good guys.

Good answer. . . . Thanks.

I sighed and stopped in the middle of the empty road, staring down to the corner. It was evening and I was walking around getting some fresh air. Max hadn't been at the school the past week, and I was seriously freaking out that he'd just gone and hadn't said goodbye. I hadn't received a note or anything saying he was just laying low, and I wasn't sure what that meant.

The street was cold and empty, but the sky was clear and stars were beginning to show. The horizon in front of me showed just a hint of orange glow above the roofs of houses, and the air smelt... like night. Bugs were flying all around the street lamp lights and I could hear a few crickets in the background. It was a nice night.

“A li'le kid like you shu'n't be won'ring around the streets at night,” growled a low deep almost distorted like voice. I whirled around and right there in the middle of the street coming towards me, as if it was an ordinary thing, were two aliens. They were Martians, just like every one I'd seen before. Both of them were at least two feet taller than me, and much wider too. But from the looks of their awkward state, I could probably out run them.

“Li'le boys like you go miss'ung on nights like these,” gurgled the other. Their English was horrifying, and their voices weren't much better. I might have laughed if I wasn't so scared right now. So scared that the hairs on the back of my neck were tingling and my palms were clammy.

“Well, it's a good thing I'm not a little boy then,” I said and then turned on my heel and pelted for a car parked across the road. I dived behind it just as the aliens fired a few blasts. I smelt burnt tyres, but didn't dare look. I needed to think on my feet now, because the aliens would come over here any minute.

Across from me was a fence lining a house. If I jumped that and went around the backyard, I could hop over a few more fences into the next street, then do the same over and be a few blocks away before they could say Eskimo.

The charging of futuristic guns sounded in my ears and I knew that was my time to move. I leaped to my feet and ran for the fence, jumping over and running, and jumping and running, and jumping and running. I didn't stop until I was at least in the next sub of town.

I stopped behind a big tree on the side of the road and looked around. There was no signs of any aliens, or that I was being followed, so I took a break to get my breath back. Then I pulled out my phone and called Max's number.

Ring ring...

ring ring...

ring ring...

How To Befriend An Alien (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now