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As I sit there in shocked speechless about everything that I just witness on camera...

No! Not Juelz..... this can't be real at all. I said... looking at it.. while grabbing the rest of her stuff...
Why she never told me?... why did she wait until last minute..... as I sit there wondering how could this even be possible.... As my phone rings.... it was Kelz..... Hello? I answered.... Can I Come Throu? He asked..... as I sit there .... ummm.... sure... I said... (now right now, my head is all in another place right now) .... as I quickly get up and grab my pepper spray from my dresser...... what if kelz knew about this? ... maybe he had something to do with her death I thought to myself..... I just wanted this to all end!.... ..... As my door bell ringed.... As I jumped..... I quickly gather myself and open the door.... Wassup I said.... wassup, can we talk. He said... what do we need to talk about.. I said... look I think things got a little out of hand the other day and I just wanted to apologize about that he said... yeah, you did get out of hand I said while standing there. But My Mom... has nothing to do with Juelz death she was out of town.... so I'm sorry I don't know who did it. He said..... Kelz did you know... Juelz had a baby with your dad? I asked him.... what the hell?! Noni... come on now.. now you're just making stuff up.... he said to me! Oh am I I said .... YES! I understand that you have a fucked up life right now but you going over board! He said... as I walk over to my computer and I play the video....... as he was walking out he stops...... Go To Hell Noni.. if anything went down like you say it did! Its because you cause it! He said while walking out... as I follow him... I just want you to know... that your mom and your dad is going to pay for this! And I mean that I said..... Do what you gotta do then... he said while getting in his car..... fine I said while walking back....

Kelz Pov:
Something... just didn't feel right, at all.... deep down I knew noni had no reason to lie but how can I trust that she lied to me before... had an affair with my father my whole dad.... and now this.... smh... this is too much... I will not drag myself down in her pity party anymore.... all I'm doing now is making sure I'm straight..... as I pull off.... I call my moms cell phone... it was no answer.... My head is too heavy at this moment... do I trust the girl who broke my heart or the woman who was there by my side after birth.....

Back to noni:
A few weeks past by: As I was shooting aiming my gun in the center of the glass.... That's good baby, keep doing like that you almost got it! Said Oshay.... Whew! You already know how I do I said while laughing I know ... how you do beautiful.... he said to me while staring at me.... ima boss I said while laughing.... as we sit down.. I had on a sports bra and some nike shorts and oshay was wearing a muscle shirt and some shorts.... You have any thing on your investigation Oshay asked me.... No.... I kinda feel like I'm at a dead end I said... I'm not sure if I need to go on or just let it be I said..... I understand, whatever you decide I'll rock with you he said to me.... awww you're the sweetest... I said... only to you I'm the sweetest... he said to me.... so what now I asked... well right now I think we need to grab something to eat.... Oshay said to me... As I'm laughing okay boo... I said while standing up and looking up I see an older woman standing behind a tree..... looking at me......I'll be right back..... I said while walking over there ... excuse me.? May I help you I said..... I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else she said... oh okay.... I said...... as the lady grabs my arm.... 256 Ave Oak Lane... that'll take you to where you need to know she said..... as I was in complete shock that .... this lady came out of no where told me this....... okay... cool.... I said....

45 mins later... I arrived at the empty building....
I pulled my gun out.... while walking in..... I notice it was Juelz old soft ball jacket...... hello?! I yelled ... as I seen a boxes of paper... I found a birth certificate of the baby... JUELZ baby..... I've seen an address of where the baby could possibly be.... ... "Hey you think you could meet me somewhere " I said to Oshay.

As I pulled up into the yard at the apartment complex..... You Good? he asked ... yes I'm good I said.... Okay... Let's do it he said...... As I'm walking to the door..... as I knock on it... my stomach starts to turn... a lady open it!... it was the same lady from the park.. the one who gave me the address!!.... YOU?! As I yelled with anger!!!.... Wait NO! She yell back! ...... As the other lady comes up from her.... it was the lady from a few months ago, the one with kannon.... .. YOU CANT be serious right now as I said in disbelief...... I'm so sorry, about all of this.... I wanted children sooo bad... but I didn't know it was this way to get them! .....she said ... If you knew so much then why you.. didn't say anything I asked.... I told you, I went through a service where this man who gave me the kids... she said.... Kids? I said.... A little 4 year old walks out the room.....Mama Mama! As he yelled!!! .... It wasn't no need to say it anymore... THIS WAS JUELZ BABY! Her son! The one she never got to bond and care for... this was her son... he resembled her soo much to the point all I saw was her.... as tears started rolling down my face.... Hi there he said while he walks up to me.... Hello... I said... My name Is Khalil... And Yours? He said..... Umm... It's Noni... I said.... I like that name... he said to me... I really like yours I said... thank you... he said while going to play...... Making sure he's outta sight... as I pull out my gun quickly.....Look I'm not going to ask, I'm telling you!... Khalil is Coming With Me... Or I'm going to the cops I said.... Please you must understand, how desperate I was said the lady.... as another baby walked out.... ma ma as he mumbled.... it was kannon! My kannon! My son! ..... YOU BITCH! As I yelled..... Look, Please... as the other lady started to explain... we don't want any trouble... she said... Look we just didn't want this on our conscious for the rest of our lives.... .... Oshay Look at me... Noni... I think they are trying to make peace with it... as he said to me.... I don't trust it while I was still standing there... with the gun... Gimme all they stuff... ALL OF IT! As I yelled... they quickly gathered their stuff.... after today... you will no longer know Khalil or Kannon.... I said while holding the guns at them... and Oshay Getting the Kids.....

..... as we rush back to the car and drive it off....

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