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My hand freezes in mid-air, never really tapping on the doorbell like I'd intended it to.

Well, I did hear voices talking behind the door, but I felt it'd be weird to have Pamela drop me off at Nathan's instead and not go in at the end of the day. So the plan was to ring the bell, Miss Martins would get it, tell me to just call her Teresa even though it's been years now and I haven't. And then introduce me to whoever she seemed to be having a conversation with.  But I don't think that'll be happening. I don't think it was a conversation either because she just told whoever the guest is to leave and never return, that's what I want.

The person she told doesn't seem to be perturbed by her yelling. Maybe they're used to it. Maybe he's used to it. "I'll come around tomorrow. You should also come around too as the reservation stands— do you still like your tamales with cotija cheese and sour cream?"

"I said you should leave. And never return, get out."

It's not said to me, but I take it. Take it as the right time to leave. There are many reasons I should. First, of course, is the fact that it's wrong to eaves-drop, should've left a long time too. But the real reason is 'cause I don't want to get caught.

So, I take the nearest elevator available on this floor. And when I get down, amidst the busy people walking in and out the classic screen door that leads outside, I find the lady I always seem to run into. Eyes still green, hair still short and with her usual long coats. Except now I know her name. But before I can call out hers, she calls out mine.


We're both smiling and walking till we get to each other. During the walk my thoughts were on spiral on what to call her, but I finally settle on the fact that she's not too old for me to address by her first name. Overthinking will be the death of me. "Kelly. Hi."

"Fancy seeing you today, it's been a while. I've told Tyler to ask you out again but he hasn't."

I— what? Ask me out? I would laugh but I'm confused, and I think the conflicting expressions have me coming across as constipated. Kelly's smile falters a bit, though glints up again. Why didn't Tyler tell her he hadn't asked me out, and rather I was the one who did? Except that it wasn't for a date but a ride home.

"He's stubborn like that, let him come around."


"Who do you come here to see, anyway?" She asks, but she's already hugging me when I tell her it's a friend from school, so when we break from the hug, we say our final goodbyes. She tells me to stay safe, alright and I say a weird okay to her because she's affectionate. Very affectionate. I'm not into stereotypes but I hear people from the U.k would choose no physical touch over the opposite.

As I descend from the stairs to the car I know is waiting since I'd called the driver to come pick me up, I decide that I like Kelly. I always have, yes, but I like her more now. And I like that she likes me.

I like that someone who's friends with Tyler seems to like me.

"Thank you." I say on getting into the car.  The man with an official cap on his head, nods once at me before turning the ignition.

"Gosh, you're finally home." Danielle breathily says, looking actually relieved that i'm home. And that's shocking. She's in clothes more official than usual, but still a bit causal. "Why didn't Pamela's car have you in it?"

"Because that car had me in it." I answer, gesturing to the black SUV now turning round the water fountain to leave through the gate. I study her as she shuts the main door, walking down the stairs entirely to meet me at the bottom. "Do you stay upstairs to watch the Williams' driveway?"

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