Chapter 18

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(Read the prologue for the space between the last chapter and this one. I will go over it all again shortly if you don’t feel like reading it again, but it if you get confused you should cheek back to that.)

The room isn’t big enough, isn’t safe enough, doesn’t smell right and defiantly doesn’t calm her down from her rage.

No matter how hard she tries, Kiera can’t escape the burning fury of betrayal and prickling sense of fear under her skin. Exposed, so exposed, her wolf part snarls. Too close to the enemy. Need to warn the pack…

Hours have passed since she woke up in the tiny frosted glass room. No food has been brought to her, which is probably a good thing for the Revoker’s because she won’t pause before ripping them apart. She doesn’t care about the food though, doesn’t care that the beds uncomfortable or that the room doesn’t get dark enough at night for her taste.

Everything reminded her that she wasn’t safe. The white glass walls separating her from the Revokers; makes her uneasy. The blankets aren’t hers, and nothing smells like home or even remotely like wolf.  

Despite the tiredness numbing her thoughts it can’t put out the fire burning in her.

The traitor, Chase, had come in once, only to watch her through the glass. It was like a slap in the face. He is walking around with the Revokers, while she remains caged, completely unprotected but for her claws and teeth; but they had a way to get around even that.

Kiera’s gaze snaps to the door on the far side of the room. Her skin prickles as the visitors wonder in, and she knows before she sees him, Chase is here. He’s nothing but a blur through the glass, blotted out with white streaks and veins, but the sight still makes her sit up with a snarl. She squashes the part of her wanting to give into her pack mate, the same part wanting to seek comfort him in while she felt so vulnerable.

The group that enters is small, only four distinct smudges.

To her surprise they don’t approach her tiny glass cage. Hesitantly she wonders to the closest wall, trying to figure out what they are doing as one plays with something grey beside the door that she hadn’t noticed.

After a painful minute of waiting something crackles loudly overhead. Kiera jumps and glances up. The roof stretches above her with only two grey dots in the whole white ceiling. “Kiera?” A voice echo’s from them.

“What the hell?” She snarls to herself, her fists clenching at her sides. She cringes as the sound of a voice echo’s again, this time slightly lounder, but with much more crackling.

“My name is Crevan, I’m the boss here.” The female says again. Other voices echo in the background, soft whispers.

Kiera pauses, unsure how to respond. Can they hear her? Hesitantly she asks, “…you mean like the alpha?” She only half expects an answer.

More whispers sizzle through the room, but it ends quickly and Crevan’s voice returns. “Something like an alpha. List-“

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