Chapter 28

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Together, Kiera and Chase had destroyed a whole corridor, vandalized three rooms, smeared blood everywhere and injured a dozen of people. Only 5 people were killed, most of which bleed to death after a being used as a chew toy for a minute or two.

The first incident took a while to get under control. Chase was finally knocked out, but it took another minute to get her down. Raymond had been injured in the first attack.

Unfortunately Chase woke up again as they were trying to move the wolves to the infirmary where they could keep them sedated. He’d killed one of the Revokers than before he could be sedated again and just as he’d dropped Kiera awoke.


The revokers are hopeless. Kiera thinks bitterly.

Later they woke again, this time in the infirmary. The Revokers knew to give them nearly three times the normal dose for humans this time round. No more casualties this time.

Now Kiera watches the compound wall warily, listening for the sounds of life from the other side. Besides the very odd door closing there is not much to be heard.

48 hours, that’s how long they’ve had to prepare. If we’re lucky, they only found out 36 hours ago. They can’t do much in that time. Kiera pulls in a deep breath. The outlook on winning the fight seems small.

Yes, the Alcrests didn’t have long to prepare.

Yes, the Revokers are fighters. They’ve got guns and knives and numbers.

Yes, the wolves are all too sore and weak to fight.

Yes, the Revokers are willing to sacrifice everything.

However, despite all the positive points, reality is they still are sitting at the bottom of a cliff and trying to climb up with only their bare hands and sheer will.

The Revokers were never more than pests; they’re weapons shinny needles and the firsts but a thorn in ones pelt.

The Alcrests still have a whole pack of wolves and regardless of the bone deep pain, they will stand against them like an avalanche of rocks; impossible to move.

Mouse vs Wolf.

Human vs beast.

Creator vs Destroyer.

For all the handy gadgets, the Revokers will still fall. Kiera won’t be able to stop that, regardless how hard she tries. She lifts her head to the sky, watching the blanket of clouds slowly flow over the sky.

Chase touches her arm gently; the only comfort in the grey world of pain, ice and empty life. Soon the wind will smell of blood and death, but for now it is unblemished and clean, fresh with the smell of trees, animals, snow and earth.

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