I've Got a Spell on Blue

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{Silver's POV}

I was training for the first time with the entire team watching. I was in the exact middle of a three way fight in between Kevin, Jayden and I.

"They all can fight. But Silver with a sword... Isn't that bad news for us, not the Nighlok?"

Mike asked, and Ji cut him a glance.

"She has been training day and night, often not sleeping. She does not like to be watched at all, but today, hopefully she comes out of her shell."

Ji said, and Jayden and Kevin moved their swords, and I quickly backed up a step, away from them both.

I was holding up a sword in each hand, which was unusually for any one of us.

"Why does Silver carry two?"

Emily asked.

"She insists that she finds it easier. Saying that it is more like wielding a staff, except broken in half, rather then in one form."

Ji said, and watched as I fought off both of them, and Mike laughed at the sight of it.

"There is no way that they are both going their hardest. She'll be complete destroyed." He said.

"She could also recombine the staff, reconcile the two broken halves of it, using two weapons or one."

Ji said, as the battle continued.

"I'm sensing that you aren't just talking about the staff anymore. Are you talking about the ancients?"

Mia said, and Ji looked at her with a sigh. "Yes I am. Now watch." He said, and it was like the free for all, hadn't been a free for all, at all.

[No one's POV]

Almost by instinct, Silver was fighting alongside Jayden against Kevin rather then fighting both of them at once.

"Is that normal?"

Mike asked, and then it was over quite suddenly, with both Silver and Jayden landing full decisive blows on Kevin. "It is for them."

Ji said, as Kevin pushed for another battle with the two fighters, and Silver shrugged at Jayden, who nodded.

{Silver's POV}

After a few more training battles, I was sipping at a bottle of water, and then the Gap Sensor went off.

"Oh come on." I said, morphing with the others and racing off, out of Shiba House's gates quickly.

"Hold it right there Nighlok!" Jayden said, and we all drew our swords, and I held my two Samurai blades.

"Ahh." The Nighlok said.

"We're going to whip you into shape."

I said at the same time as Jayden, which was now normal for everyone to hear, and I held my swords up.

"Do you really want to tangle with me? I'm Metamot, the baddest of the bad from the Sanzu. I'm a bad, bad, man!" The Nighlok, Metamot said.

"Let's see if you can back up all that talk." Mike said, holding his sword by his shoulder.

"Hmm, having backup is a good idea."

Metamot said, and lashed the ground hard with his wire. "Here kitty-kitty!"

I heard him say, and I backed up fast, but only once I heard the rumbling in the ground underneath us of course.


Mike said, and we all echoed him loudly. "That looks like..." I started.

"It looks like..." Jayden said, and I looked at him. "Could it be?" I asked, as the huge monster showed up.

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