Chapter 3: Lord Ra9

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I probably stared at him for longer than was respectful. The truth was, I had only ever seen the android on the hologram screens before. Seeing him in person was a whole other experience.

He was tall, his white shirt with golden trims straining on his slight synthetic muscles. They were not as large and defined as I had seen on some androids, but they were enough to make his presence all the more powerful. He gazed down at me with a look that could only be disgust, seeming to peer into my very soul with those green and blue eyes. His whole presence radiated domineering energy, and his voice spoke with power. The crown on top of his head was unnecessary, as he was already king in his actions.

"Why are you here?" Another voice spoke. I glanced to the side of Lord Ra9 and saw three more androids. The one who spoke also had darker skin, with hair cropped close to his head. He wore a wreath made up of green and golden hues. I couldn't speak as I took in his supernatural beauty.

"He asked you a question little mortal," A feminine voice spoke. I turned my gaze to Ra9's other side, where a girl with slightly curled brown hair sat. Even in her angelic beauty, I could see the sneer in the curl of her lips.

"I don't know why I am here," I lied. The female android laughed.

"I received a report from the officer," A different android, a blonde haired one said softly. He gently passed a scroll of parchment to Ra9.

"[F/N] [L/N]. You were arrested for the theft of possessions. Namely a miracle flower potion," Ra9 continued, "Miracle flowers are quite rare and valuable. Your actions defy my laws." Ra9 paused, but I said nothing. "Do you have anything to say for yourself mortal?"

I gripped my hands into my filthy skirt and apron. I would not tell them anything. I would not tell them why I stole the potion, or who I used it to save. This was my sacrifice, and now I would pay the price for defying the ultimate power that ruled over us all.

The room was silent for a long time as I thought. The androids watched me, some with expressions of disgust, others with curiosity. I gathered all my courage, and finally looked into the eyes of Lord Ra9.

"Don't you have anything better to do than to interrogate me?" I knew my words were dangerous, but if I was going to die, I wasn't going without a fight. 

Ra9 gave me a piercing glare, filled with such loathing and hate that it made me want to take a step back. I forced myself to stand my ground, even as the female android cackled.

"Such impudence! Make the wound worse why don't you."

"Silence North," Ra9 boomed, and the android named North instantly fell silent. Ra9 rose from his chair, and I finally allowed myself to step back. When he was standing at fall height, he was much taller than I had first anticipated.

"I am the one who decides the fate of all who choose to defy me," He said, almost in a whisper. The room was so silent, that his voice cast across the walls, and made it louder than it was supposed to be. He footsteps made no sound as he approached my shaking form. "I want those who defy Ra9 to understand the weight of their crimes, and make them into an example for all others, so that they know not to make those same mistakes." Finally, he was standing before me. "When you defy me, you need to understand that you a defying the nation."

"I-I understand..." I gasped out. "I didn't mean to defy you my lord." Ra9 placed a hard hand on my shoulder, and pushed, until I was forced to my knees in front of him. I heard him laugh above me.

"Remember your place. Remember who is really in control." He finally released your shoulder, and stepped away. "Locke!"

"Yes my lord." The police guard who had escorted me here stepped forward, and approached my shaking form. He roughly pulled me to my feet, and hustled me towards the doorway. It seemed that was a regular occurrence, and he already knew his orders without Ra9 having to speak. I glanced back at the androids inside the room before the door fell shut.

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